Chapter 11 | Screams of A Madman

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Donald moved quickly as I buttoned up my clothes. He move across the room, his feet smacking against the wooden floor as he reached the window. Immediately, he set about studying the outside through the small window. His body was rigid, unmoving and his posture was stern, it was as if he was a statue.

Eventually, I finally redressed myself, I flattened out the creases a few times, almost scrubbing the very material of my clothes.

As I got up, Donald lifted a finger to his lips, signifying that he wanted my silence. I complied and moved closer to the window. I shuffled beside him as we both looked out onto the street of UnLondon.

Outside was a figure, a manically screaming figure. The figure, from what I could tell, was a man. The man was stout with an over hanging belly, his skin dark like bark in the dim light of UnLondon's streetlights. His body movements were erratic, almost like a puppet on strings, being pulled from every direction at once. His eyes darted around, and accompanied by his full black beard gave the man a maniac-like look.

While I was studying the man Camilla had joined us, her eyes were peering out of the same window we looked out of. Camilla's arrival made me notice the arrival of Aiden and Marcus into the room. I turned to the three new arrivals and pressed my index finger to my lips as if to say 'be quiet' with a lack of words. Aiden, Camilla and Marcus did as I instructed and quietly moved towards the window.

Marcus was the first to ask the question lingering in the air, between the screams of the man and the cold of street. "Who is that?"

For a few seconds silence hung above is all once again. That was until Donald answered his question. "That is Josephus Herman."

"The guy who was shouting at base camp before the Bobbies attacked?" I asked, trying to clarify my suspicions.

"Aye that's him" Donald confirmed.

As we spoke Josephus continued to scream into the streets.

Aiden was the next to speak with a question, "well, what do we do about him?"

Everyone around me remained silent as Marcus responded to Aiden. "Well we can't leave him. He will attract Bobbies if we let him continue screaming." Marcus's response was rational and thought through, he clearly had a point but, one question still existed, how would we subdue Josephus.

Donald replied, "well everyone get a weapon, we will all move in when I say so. Does anyone have anything to tie him up with?" Donald had immediately taken control of the situation, this wasn't unusual for Donald. I thought back remembering the contents of my bag and all it's belongings. In response to Donald's question I shook my head to say 'no.'

I looked around at the people who crowded around the small window. Eventually, Marcus lifted his head, "yeah I think I have some rope." Marcus raced off towards a bag left unattended on the cold floor, his hands scavenged through the bag and eventually pulled out a thin black rope.

"Alright" Donald responded as he took the rope. "Alright everyone arm yourselves" Donald commanded, his tone strong while his voice remaining quiet.

Everyone moved away searching around the base for anything like a weapon. I immediately retrieved my pistol. Meanwhile Aiden retrieved a stray pipe, Marcus had some form of pistol, while Camilla held a screwdriver in her trembling hands. Donald readied a rifle that he retrieved from his belongings and prepared to leave the base.

"On my signal, we go out the door and form a circle around him" Donald started. "Three, two, one."

On the number one, we raced out of the base. My heart trembled in my chest, I followed behind Donald as we quickly formed a circle around Josephus.

Josephus whipped around wildly, first looking from Donald, to me, then to Camilla, and to Aiden and Marcus. Josephus stopped his screaming, it was as if he was studying each of us. Josephus broke his silence, "you fools! You are the foundation. None of you heeded my warning and now you are at the mercy of UnLondon- The monarch, she lives! And we will all due to her power, unless you submit, give thy selves to Bryson's Home for the Poor."

Silence hung in the air.

I steadied the aim of my pistol, aiming it at Josephus's chest.

Donald then pounced. He jumped on Josephus pinning him to the ground and proceeding to tie Josephus's hands behind his back. "GET OFF OF ME!" Josephus yelled as Donald dragged him up. Donald then immediately dragged Josephus back inside the base, the bound man's screams echoing in the street.

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