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E. Bernard: And that's everything, is there anything else you need to know?

C. Kellman: Yes I do believe that's everything.

E. Bernard: So what happens to me now?

C. Kellman: Whatever the O5 decides.

E. Bernard: Well I have a counter proposition. I can offer the foundation invaluable insight into SCP-1678 and it's inner mechanisms.

C. Kellman: And what would you want in return?

E. Bernard: Full control over SCP-1678's research and site management, with the assistance of Aiden Westbay.

C. Kellman: That's a tall order miss Bernard. I don't believe that your information will be enough.

E. Bernard: Well to sweeten the deal how about I keep certain information secret. More specifically information regarding Aiden Westbay and the foundation's use of him in an experiment involving SCP's 217 and 500.

C. Kellman: Is that everything?

E. Bernard: How about this?

C. Kellman: Holy shit! Is that the crown?

E. Bernard: Yes. Will you reconsider my offer?

C. Kellman: We will see what we can do.

•••End of Transcript•••

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