Chapter 6 | Aiden's Truth

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Aiden's breath was short and shallow, yet sporadic. My own breath was finally slowing down, I think I was finally calming down after the revelation that had shaken me to my core. The previous revelation related to the discovery of files on SCP-500 and SCP-217, locates within a bag of Aiden's belongings.

I pondered how Aiden had come about the documents, and why he had an ID badge with 'SCP-217 Subject 187' on it. What did it mean? And how did it relate to Aiden.

My concerns were completely warranted, as I knew from previous experience at foundation, I knew what SCP-217 and SCP-500 were.

SCP-217 is a virus, more specifically it's a clockwork virus. SCP-217 is incurable by current means, with a rate of infectivity at 100%. The effects of SCP-217 are that it alters the biochemistry of organic tissue, causing organic matter to re-arrange into a form of "organic metal". Observations of an infected subject show that a subject will begin to turn into a complex arrangement of gears and clockwork, these taking over for the former biological functions. However these changes start from the inside within mammals.

That was the extent of my knowledge on SCP-217. However some of my knowledge could explain some of the odd quirks I noticed about Aiden. I know that SCP-217 starts it's infection from within in mammals, so that could explain why Aiden hadn't displayed any outward symptoms if the infection wasn't in its later stages of infection.

Furthermore, one of the other symptom of SCP-217 is insomnia, and that could explain Aiden's apparent lack of sleep. But if Aiden was infected with SCP-217, then that would surely mean he had already passed it on to me. Therefore, I would've already been infected by him. That would mean that I was already dead, he'd put a counter on my life.

Meanwhile SCP-500 is a small plastic can combating over forty red pills. One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject's conditions.

Whereas I could devise why Aiden had the document of SCP-217 but I could not deduce why he had the document of SCP-500.

Quickly, I'd already devised a plan. Once Aiden awoke from his slumber, I would threaten him with my pistol (which I was already holding in my hands). Next I would question him on his infection with SCP-217, once he'd confirmed my suspicion I would shoot him in the centre of his head.

After that I would write a warning on the entrance to the hideout, to alert any foundation personnel of our infection. After leaving the warning I will write a note addressing my family and my closest friends apologising for not returning home, hopefully after sterilising my body someone would deliver it to them (although considering the foundation that was probably too optimistic).

Finally, after my preparations I would point my pistol at my temple. Take a final breath, think of the bitter darkness that would await me (on of the negatives of being a committed atheist). And then pull the trigger, splattering my brains against the walls.

In the end suicide was my only option. Protecting the foundation came before everything else, including my own life.

I knew that before I killed myself id probably cry, and have a hard time stopping crying. It would be without a doubt hard to pull the trigger and leave everything I've ever known for the unknown. But it was my only option, no matter how much I sobbed and hurt internally, I had to pull the trigger.

Aiden's body shifted, he was waking up. He rolled onto his side, his eyes flickered open slowly, like a new born baby opening its eyes for the first time.

His vision shifted towards me and his mouth shaped itself into a smile, "mornin' Elise." He stretches his arms out eventually folding them behind his head.

I couldn't bring myself to speak, so instead I remained silent.

"Well you're quiet today, what've I done to deserve the silent treatment?" Aiden questioned his demeanour still a joking one.

Still I remained silent, hoping he'd notice my gun and drop the calm attitude.

Thankfully, he did notice the gun. His eyes flickered toward the pistol and his smile faded as he pulled himself up into a sitting position. "Elise, what are you doing?" He questioned, his voice shaking slightly, presumably out of fear.

Eventually, I spoke back. "I'm doing what I have too."

"And what's that?" Aiden shifted uncomfortably.

I exhaled, my hands shook slightly. "What I have too- I know your secret."

Aiden swallowed audibly, "and what secret would that be?" He questioned, clearly he was trying to assess what information I knew about him.

I held up the sheets of paper about SCP-217 and SCP-500 at first. Aiden replied quickly, "there're just information on SCP's I found- y'know from when I left basecamp. I grabbed what I could and picked up those. They mean nothing." He argument could've been plausible if I hadn't found the ID badge.

"So what's this then?" I asked as I held up the ID badge.

Aiden's eyes flickered to the badge momentarily, maybe he couldn't look at it out of guilt? "I have no idea what that is," he lied.

I snapped, "STOP FUCKING LYING!" My voice seemingly shook the walls themselves. Aiden was silent as I calmed down, still gripping the gun tightly. "Tell me the truth...are you infected with SCP-217? I need to know." I held the gun ready aiming it a Aiden's temple.

Aiden's breathing slowed down in defeat. "Alright," he sucked in a breath preparing to speak. "Well I am infected with SCP-217, however I simultaneously do not carry the disease. If that makes sense."

"It doesn't, so explain." I replied harshly.

"Okay. Well I started at the foundation as a janitorial staff member, barely above class D. It was an okay job that was until the breach, apparent some SCP had caused an ancient and a sample of SCP-217 was released, obviously I was infected. After the containment I was quarantined. It wasn't long until my body started changing, my organs were replaced with gears and other organic-mechanical structures. It was excruciating. Fucking awful. But some doctor- at the foundation proposed a test. The doctor suggested giving me one pill from SCP-500 which can heal any ailment- well almost every ailment. After being given the pill the the effects of SCP-217 stopped, but all my internal systems remained clockwork. Also the virus entirely died out around me, so I can't infect anyone, trust me I know. The foundation did hundreds of tests, so if you're worried about being infected, you have no need."

"Prove it" I snapped back.


I looked around me, then I picked up a sharp piece of glass and tossed it toward Aiden. "Cut your skin. If you are infected and you haven't displayed any outwards transformations, they you're still in the virus's early stages. Therefore the clockwork under your skin should still be new and malleable, if it is then you're lying, if it's solid then you're telling the truth."

Aiden seemingly processed my words for a moment. He picked up the shard of glass in his right hand, then he pressed it to the skin of his left forearm. He pulled the glass down his skin tearing it open, once the cut was about ten centimetres in length, Aiden stopped cutting. Then using his fingers her pride open the cut exposing full metal underneath, then he used the glass shard and tapped on the metal, casing a clunk.

I still was skeptical, and my face clearly betrayed that inclination.

Aiden noticed my obvious skepticism. He gritted his teeth and using the glass shard he scrapped the metal beneath his skin, a loud screech echoed out. The screech was like nails on a chalkboard, ear splitting.

Blood seeped from Aiden's wound, he gripped the wound trying to stop the blood. With Aiden's evidence presented I dropped the aim of my gun and rushed over.

"Does this mean you believe me?" Aiden asked, still wincing in pain.


"So are you still going to kill me?" Aiden asked, his tone shaking slightly.

I looked him in his eyes, thinking for a moment. "I don't think so."

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