Chapter 12 | Interogation

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"UNHAND ME!" Josephus wailed. As Donald retained his grip on Josephus, his screams seemed to devolve into sub-human screeches.

It was only when Donald finally tied Josephus to a chair, his screeches stopped. The way that they stopped was also unnatural, it want by fading slowly into silence but rather the sudden cut off of sound itself. It was as if some unseen force had removed Josephus's vocal chords completely.

It didn't take long for Donald to take charge once again. "Alright, I'll see what I can get out of him, also I suggest everyone get dressed. We don't know if Josephus alerted anything" Donald stated plainly, as we all moved out of room that held Josephus. Clearly, Donald was worried about Josephus's screaming alerting Bobbies or any Eyes in the Skies.

Marcus was the next to speak, "alright me and Aiden will keep watch outside. You three should work on getting information out of Josephus."

Donald and I nodded in agreement, meanwhile Camilla shifted uncomfortably. Marcus almost dragged Aiden out as they both left (presumably to get dressed and get some for of a weapon for each of them). After Marcus and Aiden had left, Donald immediately turned to me and Camilla, "alright I see if I can get him to talk, you two should..." he trailed off as if he was thinking for a task.

Donald's lack of ideas made me wonder. Was he trying to keep me and Camilla out of the way for our sake? Or was he worried that we- or I would get in the way. Was he sidelining me? Trying to get me out of the way?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as Donald reentered the room. While being stuck in my own contemplation, I hadn't noticed both Donald and Camilla leaving the room. Donald now wore his full guard uniform and held his rifle, "alright I'm going in" Donald announced as he entered the room that contained a bound Josephus.

I watched from outside the room and Daimler approached Josephus, his boots thudded across the fragile wooden floor boards. Josephus's head was bowed in silence, his gaze seemingly affixed to the ground. "Mister Herman" Donald started trying to get Josephus's attention. "Are you going to speak? Or do you need some persuading?" Donald added, clearly threatening the man.

Josephus seemed unfazed by Donald's threats, whether that was due to bravery or due to a lack of understanding of the situation. Josephus's eyes scanned around eventually locking directly with Donald's, "why should I speak mister McNeil? You've not asked me a question yet."

Donald gritted his teeth. Clearly, he was annoyed his intimidation of Josephus had failed so miserably. Nonetheless Donald replied, "well let's rectify that mistake now. How about you tell me why you rushed into base camp screaming, just before the Bobbies attacked?"

"Well you were there weren't you? Or did you not hear me?" Josephus started his tone laced with malice.

"Maybe you'd like to remind me?" Donald prompted.

"The monarch. Once I feared her, her Bobbies. But now, I see, she is the future. And I am her—"

"FUCKING GIVE A STRAIGHT ANSWER!" Donald snapped. His voice was so loud I even jumped myself, I couldn't tell if Donald's intimation was working, Josephus was just too hard to read.

Josephus's face was still as a stone. He wasn't even fazed by Donald. "Why? Why does a man who stoops to infidelity so easily, like yourself deserve any kind of respect? You clearly don't give your own wife and child any, or else you wouldn't be sleeping with miss Bernard or the Spanish one—"

Josephus was cut off by Donald's fist connecting with his jaw. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Donald snapped, clearly Josephus was getting to him.

Josephus cackled. "WHY! Is it because you know I'm right, you can't handle the truth. Sinners the lot of you! For the monarch I am her prophet! And you, you are nothing against her might." Josephus's struggles in his binds, his wrists glowing red with scratches.

Donald gritted his teeth, probably out of frustration. "Sinners? And what does that make you? You're her prophet right, and therefore you work with her, and she works with the Bobbies. As I recall you said 'her Bobbies' meaning that this monarch figure controls them, and therefore you're assisting them kill people. And last I checked murder is a cardinal sin."

Josephus was silent for a second. "Yes I sin. But my sins are for her, I will do her bidding removing all who sin- first I'll start those who lie with man like they would a woman. Then I shall eliminate the whores and their master." Josephus's words were chilling, clearly he was referring to all of us: me, Camilla, Aiden, Marcus and Donald.

I pulled my ears away from Donald's interrogation, I couldn't stand to listen to Josephus anymore. If I was being truthful, he scared me.

My feet led me through the base until eventually, I stopped in the large main room. My feet were rooted in place, I stood still waiting. No. Listening.

A small stuffed sound reverberated throughout the room, gently voicing off the walls. I listened carefully. Slowly, I realised that the sound was crying, a woman crying and it was coming from just outside the room.

Slowly, I creeped towards the sound. The only sound I was making was from the creaking of the floorboards beneath my feet. It wasn't long before I saw the origin of the sound, like I thought it was a woman, she was crouching, her head buried in her knees. Her form was slender, hair hanging from her scalp and eyes hidden, but the sobbing sound told me exactly what was happening.

I knew who the figure was. It was Camilla.

Questions raced. But one in particular took prevalence: why was she crying?

"Hey Camilla" I greeted her quietly, trying to avoid startling her. Camilla didn't movers greet me, but she stifled her crying eventually grinding it to a halt. I hadn't known Camilla for very long, but to do nothing while knowing she was clearly in pain just was not right.

I lowered to Camilla's level, sliding against the wall she was leant against into a similar position. I spoke softly, "look I probably have no idea what you're going through, but-" I stopped for a second, letting my eyes glance to Camilla. I started to speak once again, "Camilla I can't pretend to understand but I'm here if you need to talk..." my words hung in the air as Camilla remained motionless.

We sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, but it was more like a few minutes.

Fortunately, the silence ended by Camilla moving. She rose her head, her eyes locked directly on me, like the scope of a sniper rifle aimed directly at me. Her stare was unsettling, like a fierce animal waiting to pounce at its prey. However, the way Camilla had presented herself suggested something else entirely. From what I'd seen Camilla was more like the prey than a predator, she was quiet and meek. It was as if her entire persona had been replaced, by someone more damaged, yet with a laser-like intensity.

"I think you might know what I'm going through" Camilla started speaking, her words catching me slightly off guard.

"What do you mean?" I asked almost instinctively as I matched her gaze.

She shifted uncomfortably. "Him" I was silent, not entirely sure what she meant.

"Him who?"

"Donald" She continued slowly. "Don't play coy. We all know that you and him...spent time together. I just hope he treated you differently" Camilla's voice was steadily growing quieter.

"Wha-" I tried speaking but my voice was too weak.

"Did you ever say no. Or stop. Or push him away. Or try to get away only for his grip to tighten?" Tears slipped down Camilla's face.

"No. No. That- that never happened!" I snapped in a half whisper, but as I did I felt as though I was betraying myself. Camilla was telling the truth. A little under an hour ago before we heard Josephus, Donald had pushed, tried to worm his way under my clothes, I'd wanted to talk, but he. He wanted something different. And I don't think he would've cared about what I wanted.

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