Chapter 10 | Vodka

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I woke up groggily. I wiped my eyes and sat up in the makeshift bed. I didn't think it was morning, but after the night I'd spent with Donald, I was so tired it felt like the early morning.

My eyes wandered to Donald, he lay on the make shift bed, the covers barely covering his manhood. Both of our clothes lay across the room, we hadn't paid much attention to where we placed them, but we didn't care when faced with pure euphoria.

As I admired Donald, I noticed the ring on his finger shining. Even though he was married, I didn't care the pleasure Donald could offer was too good. His wife and his kids didn't know how lucky they truly were. But I appreciated Donald, and I gave him what he truly craved.

The only sound in the room was my breathing and Donald's, but outside the room I could hear something else.

I grabbed my clothes off of the floor from around the room and started getting dressed. Piece by piece I covered my body and straightened my hair trying to look presentable. After getting ready I left Donald and proceeded to walk toward the sounds outside the room.

As I walked I peered into a large room with three figures in, and a miniature speaker blaring from the side. I recognised all three, one was Camilla, who was crouched to the side of the room. The other two were Aiden and Marcus, both of them dancing in the centre, bottles of alcohol held in each of their hands and neither wearing shirts.

I creeped into the room and immediately Aiden noticed me. Marcus turned to me and Aiden held out the bottle in his hand, offering it to me, "join in!"

I smiled, and moved closer taking the bottle and taking a swig. Marcus and Aiden started to dance to the music as the bottle of what I now knew was vodka. Their bodies moved around mine, Marcus in particular began to grind against Aiden. Their bodies moved to the music and slowly mine started to do the same.

The events from them on were a little hazy, but I remember Marcus and Aiden grinding and kissing, Aiden laid a kiss on me and the three of us tried to get Camilla to join in. She declined to the dancing but took a few swings of vodka.


Eventually, we calmed down and at some point we all sat around in a circle. I sat next to Camilla, Aiden sat next to me and Marcus was leaning against Aiden.

"So what's your story with Donald?" Marcus spoke up addressing me directly, as he took a sip from a vodka bottle.

I smirked, the effects of the vodka setting in. "Well I'm not really supposed to be here. Donald got me into UnLondon" I replied withholding some information.

Marcus smirked. "So you're just friends?" He suggested slyly.

"Friends with benefits, more like" Aiden interjected playfully.

I gasped playfully and smirked. "We're we that obvious?" I asked referring to encounter Donald and I had had earlier.

Marcus giggled, "yes you were, I'm surprised the Bobbies didn't here you two!" We all shared a collective laugh except for Camilla who seemed a little reserved.

"Aye, ay" Donald announced as he entered the room. "What's all this about, who's got the booze!" He half asked.

Donald crouched beside me and slung an arm over my shoulder. Donald wore nothing except his pair of underpants, "so who's gonna pass me a bottle?" He asked.

Marcus leaned up for Aiden's shoulder and passed Donald the bottle of vodka. Donald took a large gulp of the drink as his view glossed over everyone. As he turned to Camilla she got up and left the room silently.

His view then shifted to Aiden and Marcus, "so you gay too then lad?" He asked addressing Aiden directly.

Aiden seemed taken back for a second, "actually I like a bit of both."

Donald smirked. He bowed his head and took another gulp, "well if you two wanna do the devil's dance, the bed room is free!" Donald replied.

Marcus looked to Aiden and gave a smile. Marcus stood up still holding Aiden's hand, Marcus pulled Aiden up and led him out of the room toward the same room that Donald and I had our encounter in previously.

Donald and I were the only ones left in the room. At first we were quiet but Donald spoke up, "want a swig?" He offered the bottle and I took it.

I took a small sip and smiled. "Hey Donald do you think we will ever get out of here? Out of UnLondon I mean?" I asked him choking on my words slightly.

Donald moved back slightly, then he replied, "of course we will. I'll get back to my family and you'll get to your..." he trailed off as he moved to the buttons of my clothes.

"How do you know though?" I asked back as I laid down on the cold ground. Donald still struggled to get under my clothes, clearly he wanted more. "Not right no-" he cut me off my his arms grabbing my body.

Donald moaned as I tried to get up.

Suddenly, an ungodly scream echoed from outside the building.  Donald shot up, "what the fuck was that?" He asked as I buttoned up my clothes.

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