Chapter 13 | Cold Dead Corpse

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I lied to Camilla. I had lied about Donald. But that was not the issue. The issue was I lied, but for who's sake. Camilla's or my own?

As I contemplated my decision to lie to Camilla we were interrupted. A loud crashing, then the sounds of a fight, then another hard slam against a harder surface and finally an defeating scream. The scream pierced through the air, like a knife through the soft tissue of a person's body.

I turned to Camilla, she turned to me. We both wore the same look of fear and confusion. I stood up and creeped slowly towards the main room, drawing my pistol as I did so. Like before the only noise I made was from the creaking floorboards beneath my feet.

As I reached the main room, I ducked behind a wall to avoid what was inside. Waiting inside the room was three Bobbies, they had entered the base. I waved my hand at Camilla, silently telling her to move forward. Camilla did as I silently instructed and walked beside me quietly, she spotted the Bobbies and retreated behind me once again.

"What do we do?" Camilla asked, concern smothering her words.

"I- I don't know," the words flew from my mouth like a fast flowing river.

On the inside, I was scared. So sacred of the Bobbies, and everything else that seemed out to hurt me. Nonetheless I scanned the room and saw the only escape was past the bobbies through the room. "Alright we have to get past them" I started as I motioned to the room of Bobbies. "We'll have to sneak past them, so I'll go first. When I'm past I'll cover you. Okay?" I waited to see if Camilla understood, she nodded confirming her understanding.

I turned away from Camilla and took another look into the Bobby infested room. I counted three Bobbies in total. Each held heavy blunt force weapons, meaning that their reactions would be slower compared to a sharp weapon. However, I would rather face no Bobbies with no weapons.

Next I considered my best way through. Each Bobby was scanning the room and from what I could see there was nowhere not over-watched by a Bobby. "Shit" I quietly swore to myself.

I leaned against the wall and thought for a second. My eyes darted to the ground, I spotted a small rock, I picked it up and looked into the room once again.

With a little effort I threw the rock to the corner of the room, the Bobbies didn't react.

Not deterred, I grabbed another stone. This time a slightly larger one. I steadied my aim and launched it to the other side of the room. This time all three bobbies turned their attention to the sound of the stone.

I seized the opportunity and quietly but quickly dashed across the room, reaching the other side without any of the Bobbies seeing me. After waiting a moment to ensure my hiding place, I looked over to Camilla.

I grabbed a stone, a large one. I looked to Camilla and mouthed the word "ready." Camilla nodded in response.

I turned my attention to the Bobbies, and once gain laughed the stone to the other end of the room. Once again the bobbies stay still turned to the noise and Camilla rushed across the room. She reached me and we both headed towards where we last saw Donald and Josephus.

Instead of finding either Josephus or Donald, we instead found a cut rope next to an upturned chair. The rope was what was used to bind Josephus to the chair, while the chair was the same Josephus was once was bound too. There was no sign of Donald.

I kneeled near the rope and inspected it. The rope's ends were not frayed, instead it was more likely that the rope was cut with a knife rather than having been snapped. From the appearance it seemed like Josephus had either concealed a weapon on stole one and used it to escape.

Suddenly, I was ripped away from the rope by a deafening scream, Camilla's scream. I followed her scream out of the room and outside. Camilla stood motionless over a broken form. The form was a limp bloodied body, broken on the cobbled outside street. The body was torn in multiple pieces, deep slashes up and down the torso, crimson pools forming around the dark skinned body. The once care free, companion that I'd once known was now dead.

The body was Marcus.

I snapped my vision away from the sight, as I noticed my shoe. My shoe stood in the blood pouring from Marcus's cold dead corpse. Camilla's eyes flowed with tears as I moved back.

"Police! Halt, criminal!" Echoed from behind us as Camilla fell to her knees. I reached out to grab her, but a Bobby arrived, it shoved me aside, as Camilla tried to crawl away desperately, it grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her away and out of the room. Another Bobby entered and looked to me with it's bandaged head.

I pulled my gun out and fired two shots at its head. Then I immediately ran, I didn't look back to see what damage my billets had done instead I ran, eventually coming to a dead end. I looked back to hear the footsteps of Bobbies racing after me. I steadied my aim ready to fire my gun.

As I steadied my breathing I heard a sharp whisper from above, "Elise!" I turned sharply to see Donald extending an arm down to me. "C'mon get up here!" He commanded, I grabbed his hand a little hesitantly, he pulled me up and out of the way of the Bobbies.

He upstairs led directly onto the roofs of the Victorian era UnLondon buildings. "Hey, get low" Donald instructed as we climbed to the peak of the roof. I did as Donald asked crawling my way up until we both peered over the edge, we saw the Bobbies in the street.

The Bobbies tightly held a screaming Camilla, by her ankles, her arms flailing to get free. While another held a an unconscious Aiden, at least I hoped he was unconscious. Without warning, the Bobbies began to drag Camilla and Aiden away.

"W- where are they taking them?" I asked in a harsh whisper toward Donald.

Donald remained silent in response, as Camilla's screams echoed through the streets.

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