Chapter 17. The Battle Of Hogwarts

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In the morning, word arrived to Shell Cottage that Harry was at Hogwarts.

Lucy and Chris were allowed to go with Ally, Fleur and Bill to Hogwarts.

Everyone was currently in the hogs head, Aberforth Dumbledore was controlling who came through the passage into the school.

Ally fidgeted with the small potion bottle that was safely in her pocket, with a nervous glance back to the people waiting behind her, Ally climbed through the portrait hole and into the passage way.

As she trailed behind Chris and Lucy, Ally thought over her plan.

She was terrified of course, who wouldn't be? She was going into the school she had been so fond of, and she wouldn't be coming out alive.

She had already taken it upon herself to make sure that Chris and Lucy would be well taken care of, she knew they wouldn't understand why she was going to do what she was to do.

She just hoped they would learn to forgive her eventually.

They came to the end of the passage and hopped on to the furniture that helped them down and into the large room.

Ally looked around and saw the students she had grown up with here, she didn't talk to most of them but she had seen them around.

"Ally!" Ginny yelled from behind Ally and she was tackled in a hog from the firey redhead.

"Hey!" Ally laughed.

"I'm glad you're here, maybe you can talk some sense into my mum." Ginny said.

"What's going on?" Ally asked them confused.

"She won't let me fight!" Ginny exclaimed annoyed.

"I think I should stay out of this." Ally said and raised her hands as she backed away slowly before she sprinted away.

She saw Remus Lupin and ran over to him.

"Hello Professor." Ally said brightly.

"Ally, hello! And you don't have to call me that, I'm not a professor anymore." He told her with a sad smile.

"Okay. What are you doing here? I thought you would be at home with Tonks, and didn't you two have a baby?" Ally asked with a frown.

"I had to come, Teddy deserves to live in a world without the fear of He Who Must Not Be Named." Remus told her sadly.

"Oh." Was all Ally said.

"Would you like to see pictures of Teddy?" Remus asked.

"Sure!" Ally said with a smile as he pulled out a picture.

The baby boy was adorable, he smiled up at the  as his hair changed colours. It was rather amusing to watch, because he had no teeth.

Ally looked up as people began to leave the room, she swallowed.

There was no turning back now.

There was a quick discussion in the great hall after McGonagall fought Snape, then Ally was on her way back to the room of requirement to fill Chris and Lucy in on the situation.

As she entered the room, she looked all around for any sign of her brother and Lucy.

But they were gone.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Ally turned and ran through the corridors, stopping, she uncorked the potion bottle and drank it's contents.

It burned slightly as it passed through her throat, and it tasted like earwax, but she hoped it would do what she was told it would.

She needed all the luck she could get.

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