Chapter 3 - The Underground Cave

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The creature suddenly launched itself at Collin, who dodged the attack just in time. He turned around swiftly and came face-to-face with a creature that had many glowing eyes, its eight legs itching to pounce on him again. But before it could make another move, Sam brought his wooden blade down and onto the monster's head. It disappeared in thin air, leaving behind a spider eye. Collin and his friend did not bother to pick it up as they thought it was rather disgusting, especially since it was looking rather realistic. I mean, would you actually pick up and keep a dead, squishy and enormous spider's eye in your pocket?

The two of them continued their way deeper into the cave and they soon came across some coal, which they mined greedily with their wooden pickaxes. Collin had collected about twenty before deciding to craft some torches, which was a lot harder in real life. He hoped there would be iron ores nearby as well.

Collin instructed his friend to mine some cobblestone while he placed torches around the dark and quiet cave. He once remembered a time when he used to be afraid of the dark, but that was about five years ago. When he was done placing torches around the now lit cave, he noticed Sam was out of sight.

"Sam! Where are you?" He called out.

After ten long seconds of waiting, there was still no answer. He considered trying to call out again but realised there was no point. If Sam had heard him, his friend would have responded back by now. Knowing he had to go find his best friend, he picked up his newly crafted stone sword that was lying against a crafting table and began to walk further into the cave.

As he slowly descended deeper underground, he noted the eerie silence around him and wondered if there were any more hostile mobs hiding somewhere; waiting for a chance to strike. While he was cautiously moving forward, he remembered he had about eight torches in his pocket. Therefore, he took them out and began to place them on the rocky walls until there were no more torches to use.

Collin felt a hand touch his shoulder and he jumped in shock. "Yikes!" He yelled while quickly taking a huge stop forward before swiftly turning around with his stone sword raised.

"Don't attack! It's me, Sam," Sam shouted.

Lowering his weapon, Collin replied, "Where did you go? I've been looking for you!"

"I was looking for iron ores and I guess I got carried away. I was going so far off I must've gotten lost, until I saw your torches."

Collin led the way back up and when they had arrived out of the cave, he realised it was now daytime and was grateful for it. He also congratulated his friend for collecting a few stacks of cobblestone as well as fourteen iron ores. After suggesting that they start building a house, he and his friend began to construct their soon-to-be home. He used wooden planks for the walls while Sam built the roof out of cobblestone.

That was when it started to snow quite heavily and the two of them began to shiver. "We should get inside the house and craft a furnace for warmth," Collin suggested.

"Good idea. I've also finished building the roof just in time too," Sam replied with a proud grin.

Both of them entered their newly created house and Collin placed a wooden door in the front as a final addition. Sam then placed a furnace and it was not long before they used coal to heat up the place. "If only building houses were this easy in real life," Collin muttered quietly under his breath. "I'd be rich."

As they were busy creating and placing different sorts of furniture including tables around their new home, Collin heard some growling from outside their door. That was when he could tell it was now dark outside, and that the night creatures would want to come inside their shelter. Something was pounding loudly at the door and a few seconds later, the wooden door came down with a crash. Standing at the doorway, were three zombies with their arms stretched out, and they looked hungry.

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