Part 2

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It was such a beautiful day, cold, but beautiful. Clear blue skies, a low winter sun and freezing temperatures.

Alex settled herself on one of the chairs outside the café she had chosen and was kind of regretting her choice of sitting outside. She clutched the coffee tightly as if it gave her life, warming her soul. She adjusted her oversized fluffy hat around her ears and the sunglasses perched on her nose.

What a strange combination she thought to herself pointlessly sipping the hot coffee, a massive hat in this freezing weather and yet the need for sunglasses wasn't just for vanity. The sun, though low in the sky was bright.

It was early, checking her phone it was 6.30am. Jet lag was a nuisance, even after a week here she was still waking up at 5am every morning.

Lighting a cigarette, she looked around. Although she hated waking up early, she did love this time of the morning. There weren't too many people around, and she was the only person in the café. She watched as groups of people emerged from the subway dressed in suits and thick coats, hats and scarfs. Finishing the cigarette, she noticed a guy who had walked past a couple of times. He stood out being so tall. He wore sunglasses a hat and a scarf wrapped tightly around his face, so she couldn't tell exactly what he looked like, but he was wearing a thick coat, and ripped jeans. The give away was the jeans, instead of tailored pants like the majority of everyone else. She wondered if he was lost having walked past the same stretch of road several times.

Eventually the tall man walked into the coffee shop she was sat in and came outside with his coffee, sitting almost directly opposite her, with his back to he subway station. She was curious about him, but didn't want to seem like she was staring, so she busied herself with her phone taking shy glances towards him whenever she could.

He seemed to be drinking his coffee weirdly in her opinion. He kept pulling his scarf down every time he wanted to take a sip and then quickly pulled it back up. She assumed immediately he was some kind of celebrity, after all Jungmin had told her this neighbourhood was full of them, and so that kind of behaviour was not as weird as she first thought.

She did wonder who he was though. If she might know of him or not. Trying not to stare she took several sly glances his way.

On the second look, she caught his eye, or so she thought, not really being able to see his eyes through his dark sunglasses. He did smile at her though, so shyly she smiled back, but something bugged her. She recognised his smile from somewhere, and surely, she had seen those sunglasses before.

Looking back down at her phone she realised, it was Chanyeol. She snapped her head back up looking at him again, his face was still in her direction, although now he had his scarf back around his nose, so she couldn't tell. He was so well covered.

Now she felt really nervous, she knew Chanyeol, or of him, she liked him, and she was sure it had to be him. She didn't know what to do, did she talk to him? No. She thought that would be weird. He lives in this neighbourhood for a reason, to get away from all of that so talking to him was certainly out of the question. And besides what would she even say to him? Hi, I love your music? No too lame.

He was cocking his head at her now, she realised, she had been looking over in his direction for several minutes, and inwardly she thanked the lord that she also had the foresight to wear sunglasses too.

She looked down taking the last sip of her coffee and stood up. It was now 7.30am, and she had to start writing. Gathering her things, she made her way past who she thought was Chanyeol, careful not too look at him but taking a chance glance from the corner of her eye, he was looking down playing with a phone.

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