Part 27

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Alex woke early the following day, she checked on Ella, who was fast asleep. Assuming she had a late night, she chose not to wake her. Making herself breakfast, she busied herself in work, writing, what she usually did when she was trying to vigorously escape what she was feeling inside. She had a couple of emails, one in particular from her agent, who had the agenda sent to him for her meeting the next day.

Checking it over carefully, she saw the address, somewhere she didn't recognise, so would have to call Jungmin to help her for that one. The meeting was starting at midday, she'd meet with the possible producers of the company who wanted to make it into a movie, producers, screenwriters, and then the mysterious actor who wanted to be involved.

It looked like the meeting would go on for a while, they were going to give her a presentation, what they wanted to do, where they wanted to go. Ask her questions about the characters, she was going to have a long discussion with the screenwriters, who would have a sample for her to look over, and then meet with the actor at the end. Alone.

She looked at the agenda a few times before she could take it in. It was way out of her league, a meeting like this, discussing a movie, but at the end of the day, if they really wanted it made, they had to impress her, not the other way around. Though she had little experience with these things, it struck her as odd that the actor wanted to meet with her alone, surely, they wanted the back up of the producers there with them? Maybe it was like an interview, and if she really didn't think they were up to playing Sam she would only find that out with a one on one meeting.

She sent a couple of emails, one long one to Mike with the questions she could already think of, for him to check them over and send back a list of their own with answers they really wanted to hear.

Around midday Ella woke up, dragging herself, wild silver hair and yawning into the living room.

'Afternoon.' Alex said, turning the computer off.

'Don't, I was out till 5.' She yawned.

'How is that possible? You left the house at 10am!' Alex was shocked.

Ella beamed, 'Lost track of time?' she said.

'What did you do?' Alex asked her, fixing her a coffee that she looked like she desperately needed.

'Ok, so he took me to all these places, Namsan tower, Hanok village, Hongdae, -' Ella kept going listing the entirety of Seoul by the sounds of it, so much so Alex zoned out halfway through not knowing almost a single place she was talking about.

'Then we got some food, we hadn't really stopped to eat all day. And it was late, he asked if I wanted to watch a movie since we had been walking around all day.' Ella was still talking.

'Jesus Christ, is there anything you didn't do?' Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

'I could have done nothing with him and been just as happy.' Ella grinned.

'So how come the 5am home time?' Alex asked, wanting her to get to the point.

'Oh well, after the movie, he didn't want to come back yet, I didn't either, so we just ended up in an arcade place, playing games.' She shrugged like it was no big deal.

'So no more squeezing?' Alex joked.

'Oh, plenty of squeezing, he's quite the cuddler.' Ella pulled a smug face.

'And?' Alex persisted.

'And what?' Ella acted innocent.

'No kissing?' Alex asked bluntly.

'Al, I never kiss and tell.' She smiled, her cheeks becoming rosy. She couldn't hold it in. 'But yeah, there was kissing.' She shone with happiness.

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