Part 12

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Baekhyun stayed a while, making her laugh and filling the silence she kept sinking into, in his attempt to make sure she was fully fine before he left. He didn't say if he was going to have words with Chanyeol or not, Alex didn't ask, but she couldn't kick the feeling that he would.

She was thankful it was Baekhyun who had walked in at that moment and no one else. True she didn't know anyone else well enough, but she figured that Junmyeon had made his presence in her life known to them now, what with all the offering to send them round to be her maid, so it was only logical that had it have been anyone else they would probably have reported it back to Junmyeon. She didn't want to deal with that situation just yet.

She sat on her sofa, curled up like a cat, with a cup of hot coffee warming her in the chilly winters evening feeling at odds with herself. She kept going back to that moment with Chanyeol, when that brief thought entered her mind when he might kiss her, and moreover that she wanted him to. Shuffling anxiously under the enormous fluffy blanket she couldn't shake the heavy weight of guilt she felt towards Junmyeon over it. It beleaguered her all night, as she threw her limbs about unable to sleep, trying in vain to work out if she felt guilt because she liked Junmyeon more, or god forbid, it was because she liked Chanyeol more.

Disturbed by a constant buzzing she woke up blearily. Blinking into the sunlight, tenderly rubbing her eyes, she found the source of the constant buzzing coming from her phone.

Junmyeons name flashed on the screen almost angrily at her in her sleepy haze. She felt panic set in, looking at the time it was somewhere past 10, a lot later than she usually cared to sleep.

'Hello?' she yawned into the offending device.

'Hey... did I wake you?' his sexy drawl swam into her ears, perking her awake a little bit more.

'Kind of, I didn't sleep well last night, I must be making up for it now.' She sighed, happy to hear his voice.

'Oh, poor baby.' He chuckled, 'how do you feel today?'

'I'm fine now,' she told him, thinking, in the physical sense at least.

'Good, good, that's good' he hesitated 'Are you busy tonight?' he asked, almost bashfully, but she could hear the smile on his face.

Mentally running through the days of the week to land on what day it was she told him 'No, I don't think so.' She stifled a yawn. She really needed to get up and get coffee in her.

He exhaled a little down the phone happily. 'Can we do our date tonight?' his voice was low, kind of a whisper, when your doing something you shouldn't be.

'Why are you whispering like that?' she mimicked back, satisfied when she heard his smirk down the line.

'I'm hiding out from everyone in a back room, at the moment, I don't want them to know it's tonight. They're nuisances if they know about it.' He told her in the same strained whisper.

She had to giggle, he was their leader, but he was hiding like a kid from it's parents.

'You really show them who's boss huh?' she giggled at him again, knowing he would giggle back.

'They bully me.' He moaned sounding cute.

'Do you need me to come and teach them a lesson?' she teased back as she padded barefoot out of the room to make a coffee.

He coughed back a throaty laugh. The thought of her showing anyone a lesson was apparently hilarious.

'I'll survive without you hurting yourself on my account.' He told her. 'So, tonight, 7pm? Wear something nice ok?' he told her mysteriously.

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