Part 11

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Alexandra was left alone for the rest of the day. Thankfully Baekhyun didn't seem to push his luck and enter her apartment without being invited again, and she saw nothing of Chanyeol. The only contact she had was with Junmyeon, who it seemed was busy for the next few days and who kept apologising to her as much as possible. He kept suggesting Kyungsoo, or Jongdae, or someone else could come around and help her, but by the end of the day and especially the following morning, she was becoming more and more able. Feeling it was best to be mobile, to get back to health quicker she constantly refused his offers of sending help her way.

She had three peaceful days without any EXO members bothering her. She also got a call from her agent, telling her the meeting at the production company was being moved backwards due to on going projects they had and the 'star' they had in mind for the lead needed to move it back. She was slightly thankful of this, in a way it gave her more time to work, and think about what she wanted to do with the movie idea. Mike, her agent reassured her they would be continuing to take care of her while she was there, no matter how long the meeting took, and it wasn't going to conflict with Chanyeol's video that was due to happen this weekend.

She was wandering around the luxurious apartment cleaning up after herself one afternoon, incapable of shaking Chanyeol from her mind. It had been bugging her for days that she should really thank him for helping her so much. She was able to thank Junmyeon, Kyungsoo even Baekhyun as she was in fact conscious around them, but she had been asleep virtually the whole time with Chanyeol and therefore incapable of giving him her thanks. Plus she really should make an effort, since she was going to be working with him so soon.

Determining it would be too awkward to actually face him, she remembered that Baekhyun had mentioned they were in apartment 420, and Chanyeol shared with him. The only way, she thought to herself confidently, really was to write him a letter of thanks and post it through the door. She wondered how she could get it past Baekhyun, but quickly resigned to the fact she wouldn't, and he was most probably going to see it. That would just have to be a bridge she crossed whenever Baekhyun decided to darken her door again.

Pulling out a pen and paper, she drafted several thank you notes down, scrapping each of them in a frustrated heap in the corner of the room, before making the decision to go with;

Chanyeol, I didn't get the chance the thank you for helping me after I fell. I heard you brought me back home, you got the doctor to check on me, and you stayed all night. I am sorry to have put you out that way, but I wanted to let you know your actions are appreciated. Thank you so much, Alexandra. X

There, that's not so bad she thought with a frown. It gets to the point without being fluffy, and she couldn't see how Baekhyun could really twist her words.

She soundlessly made her way out of the apartment, tentatively looking down the hall to make sure there was in fact no one there, before she swiftly tiptoed up to apartment 420, searching in vain for a letter box she popped the letter under the door instead.

She silently made her way back down the hall when she heard the door of one of the apartments click open.

Scrunching her eyes closed in fear, she hadn't quite made it back to her own yet, and she was in no fit state to be able to run back, keeping her head down she tried to make it seem like she had just returned home from somewhere. Praying it wasn't Chanyeol her fingers fumbled on her keypad, all the while keeping her eyes deliberately forward. She could hear footsteps behind her but hoped they would stop in front of the elevator.

Shaking too hard, it took her a lot longer to punch the numbers into the door than usual, and as she managed to press in the last number the footsteps stopped. Right next to her. Gulping a lump down her dry throat, she knew couldn't ignore the person any longer, slowly turning her eyes upward she was met with the silent glare of Chanyeol.

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