Part 17

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Back at the cottage, Hae-soo couldn't be more thrilled with the footage they had amassed so far. All the parts with Alex, the flashbacks, feature only minutely in the video, but it was still good to know that they were happy with it.

Food was distributed to the entire staff and everyone downed tools to eat. Alex ate with Chanyeol, and the makeup staff, who he had in fits of laughter telling them some story. She couldn't help but smile along, even though she didn't understand. His exaggerated gestures and facial expressions giving more away than any words ever could.

Once the food had finished, and the light had dulled outside, Alex was being prodded and poked by the makeup team again and asked to change, but only her trousers, not the baby blue shirt.

Chanyeol had not changed his clothes, but his make up had been carefully reapplied as they were directed into one of the bedrooms upstairs. The room was small, with one large single paned window overlooking the sea. A huge, dark wood, fourposter bed sat in the middle of the room, adorned with frilly blue and white floral sheets. A faded lavender lounge chair sat under the window overlooking the bed.

Alex was asked to pretend to be asleep. Chanyeol would carry her in a fireman's lift into the room, place her on the bed, and sit next to her. She was not to open her eyes until the music stopped.

The camera crew inside the room situated themselves as she stood awkwardly in the doorway with Chanyeol. 'Ready?' he asked looking down at her.

Her voice had strangely left her, so all she could do was nod mutely.

He bent, easily cradling her up into his arms, 'Put one arm around my neck,' he told her in a hushed tone. She obliged, though she had touched him a lot today, this was feeling slightly too intimate.

'Rest your head into me, and close your eyes,' he followed, his head turned down towards her.

She did as she was told, finding a crook in his chest she felt comfortable letting herself relax into, sinking deeper into his hard pecks, and she softly closed her eyes.

Chanyeol spoke to the crew, and the music started. He didn't move immediately, but then slowly, he walked forwards, she lolled with the movements, trying to emulate sleep and be as limp as possible. She heard the floorboards creak under their combined weight, and then felt him bend, placing her down into the softness of the bed. Her head lolled in the opposite direction of Chanyeol, but she daren't move, fearing they would have to do this all again. She felt Chanyeol's weight cause the bed to dip beside her, and then a finger trailing over her forehead, and down her cheek. His hands left her, feeling cold and empty, but the music was still playing, guessing they still needed another shot she kept her face placid, trying desperately not to flutter her eyelashes, she counted down the seconds until the music was turned off.

She didn't have to wait long, but with her eyes closed and 10 people around her it felt a long longer. Opening her eyes to the lack of music, Chanyeol had disappeared from the room, replaced by Hae-soo who told her everything was perfect.

The rest of the afternoon was spent filming Chanyeol only. Since her parts were more of a 'flash-back' thing, he was filmed again, in the same spots that she had been filmed with him, alone, looking sad in the dim late afternoon light. The whole atmosphere changed with the setting winter sun. What was bright and clear in the morning, suddenly changed to feel like a Sunday night when you can't relax because you know you have to get up and start work again the next day.

Alex was given her hoodie back, so at least she could wrap up and keep warm as she watched them, from the director's desk where they housed the monitors, filming Chanyeol.

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