Part 4

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Groggily waking up, Alex could see the sun filtering through the blinds of the bedroom. Remembering last night felt like remembering her dreams. Did she really spend all night kissing Junmyeon on her sofa?

He left, like a gentleman, he never once tried to move things on, or pressure her in anyway, he seemed more than content to just be kissing her like teenagers all night long.

He took her phone number and promised to call her to arrange their 'date' he had so sweetly asked her for.

She felt like she had been sleeping for days. Dragging herself up to the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror hard.

Her long creamy blonde hair was all messed up like a bird's nest, but her skin was thankfully clear, her lips though, looked ever so slightly swollen, probably, undoubtedly due to all the kissing action they saw last night.

Brushing her lips lightly with her fingers she let her mind wander over the evening, how soft Junmyeon was when he pressed his lips to hers, how deeply the kissing turned, the taste of him, his smell, and before she knew it she was deeply day dreaming about the night.

After cleaning herself up she padded back into the bedroom and threw on some gym clothes.

It was almost 6am and since the building had a fully equipped gym she had been taking full advantage of it.

A year ago, she weighed almost 90kg. At only 150cm tall she was quite over weight and waddled around like a penguin. She was turning 30 this year, and decided enough was enough. She was a beautiful girl, but the weight didn't help anyone see that. Now in only 11 months, she had managed to lose almost half her weight and was now sitting at a very respectable 55kg and as Junmyeon had said looking more and more like some kind of model. She wasn't vain enough to think this herself. She thought she was ok looking, small nose big eyes and full lips, but now she had this amazing jaw line, and she could see her collar bones and her hips, and she actually had an ass. She was the swan she was always meant to be, and she was not going to go back to being that over weigh ugly duckling. So, she made sure she spent time in the gym.

So far, she had not met anyone in the gym besides a woman who was maybe in her early 40s, who always seemed to be running. It surprised her that she hadn't seen Junmyeon in there, but maybe he went later in the day or something.

Opening the glass doors, she made her way over to the stepping machine, put her headphones in and got lost working out. Making her way around the different machines after about 45 minutes she had the distinct feeling someone was watching her. She had arrived a little later than she had been this past week, so there were a few more people in the gym than usual. Turning to get off the treadmill and thinking about breakfast she noticed someone out of the corner of her eye over at the weights.

She turned to look and saw none other than Jongin looking back at her, staring at her via the massive mirror on the wall, he was doing some kind of pull ups on a bar and definitely looking in her direction. She smiled awkwardly and wiping the sweat from her brow made her way out of the gym towards the elevator.

Pressing the button, she waited patiently, arms crossed over her chest, her foot bouncing for the elevator to arrive. When it finally arrived, she stepped in, pressed her floor and waited for the door to close.

Just as it was closing, someone on the other side stopped the doors and opened them up to step in. She looked up briefly, catching Jongins eye and looked away again. Oh jesus. Jongin lived here too? He must be in the same room as Junmyeon. He flashed her a smile before she managed to divert her eyes, and he leaned over her to press the button again. Yep same floor as her. Shit.

New StartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora