Part 6

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She didn't move. She stood there dumbly staring at him in horror.

'I said get in. It's cold out.' He demanded turning his face to look out the opposite window.

Unwillingly she stepped into the car and closed the door. The air in the car seemed to disappear and it was becoming very difficult to breathe.

Chanyeol said something in Korean to Jungmin and the car started moving forward.

'Put your seat belt on.' He said without looking at her.

She turned her head in his direction, what was he doing here? Why was he in her car? With her driver? Giving him demands.

In a huff she put her seat belt on with shaky hands. She was becoming livid. How dare he. Who did he think he was? Oh, you're from EXO so that makes you the king to do whatever you want. Hijacking someone's driver for instance.

Under any other circumstance she would have refused point blank to do what he was demanding, but she knew he was right about the seat belt, and Jungmin was her only form of transport, though she could have just slammed the door and walked. She'd have found a way home.

She crossed her legs and her arms angrily. There was nothing she could do now, and he knew it.

He scoffed at her, loudly, triggering her anger for him to sky rocket.

'Is that how you are all the time? Legs and arms folded and irritated?' he questioned in a ridiculing tone.

She refused to look at him, and refused to answer his ridiculous question.

'Do you think you're some kind of king hijacking someone else's driver?' she spat at him, staring out the window.

He chuckled to himself in a disdainful sort of way. She clicked her tongue impatiently at him. He wasn't answering her either. But she refused to talk again.

They drove in silence all the way back to the apartment building. She assumed on the short drive he must live in the building, and he knew she did too, so for some sick reason he wanted to impose himself on her.

Pulling into the basement Jungmin gently parked the car in an empty bay.

'Thank you so much Jungmin, and I am sorry you had to wait so long.' She told him in a much kinder tone than she was feeling.

'That's quite alright Miss Alex, any time you need me.' He said with a big smile.

Chanyeol said something to him in Korean, and Jungmin responded very happily. Whatever it was she was hoping he was apologising for being rude, and thanking him.

She didn't wait for Chanyeol as she stepped out of the car and marched as swiftly as she could to the elevator. She really didn't want to be stuck in a small room with Chanyeol, even for the 3 minutes it took in an elevator to get to her floor. She heard the door of the car close, telling her he was not far behind her but still she didn't wait. Pressing the button furiously she tapped her foot waiting for the doors to open.

Thankfully they did before Chanyeol got close to her. Unfortunately, he was so tall it took him 3 seconds to make the distance to the elevator and was able to step inside with her before the doors had a chance to close.

'You were not going to wait for me? How rude.' He said coolly. There was no hint of a smile behind his words, no humour.

She refused to look up at him, refused to even acknowledge him. She folded her arms, stared at the floor and waited to be released from this tiny room of hell.

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