amols anger

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avni and priya walk towards canteen and avni starts

avni: see how disgusting she is

priya: who that tiya?

avni:yeeah how can she flirt like that

priya: avni she is like that from first right and leave it

avni: yeah but how can she flirt with my and stopped realising what she was about to say

priya: what with ur ?

avni : i i mean our professor for gods sake he is our professor then how can she do that

while saying so she falls on to a boy who was having lunch and his shirt gets spoiled

avni: i am sry i am sry

boy : he was about to say its ok and sees avni and shouts on her how dare u to spoil my shirt are u blind cant u walk properly

avni:is in tears now and trying to explain him and starts saying sry

boy: plse stop your fake tears first u do mistake and then use ur useless weapon crying do u think i am going to forgive u for ur fake tears

avni: i am sry i dont have any intention to do that plse dont be angry

boy :he was again about to shout again but a voce stopped him

neil:whats going on here?

boy:he is shocked seeing neil and was about to call him jiju(yes the boy is none other than amol)but stopped in the mid way as neil interrupted again

neil: hello miss whatever u are y are u always into some problem and whats going on here dont u even find professor standing infront of u and u people are fighting ignoring me

amol understood that neil was new professor and stood silent

neil:what are u staring at say sry to him staring at avni

avni:with tears in her eyes sry

and she was about to leave then neil stopped her again

neil:stop i did not finish yet and mister and u too apologise to her said to amol

amol: sry and leaves from there

avni also leaves from there with tears rolling from her eyes

neils heart teared seeing avni in tears and thought to himself neil khanna be ready to sleep on couch today

and it was evening and all were leaving to their homes and avni was waiting for bus and neil stood far away from bus stop so that after avni gets into bus he would start

neil pov:i know there is no need to wait here untill avni leaves but i cant leave avni here alone because ali used to company her till home everyday and so she is safe but today ali is in leave so i will wait and he sees a boy far from bus stop looking at avni and thinks to go near that boy but stops in the middle and smiles looking at the boy

and yes the boy is none other than amol he was waiting the bus to come so that avni gets into the bus safely though he is angry at her and not talling to her he doesnt hate her and he feels possessive about her

after sometime avni gets into the bus and everyone reaches their home

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