memory loss

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After few days family members left to Mumbai , neil and avni dropped them at airport and neil went to police station after dropping avni at home

Avni came to home she prepared lunch , did some household works , watched tv for sometime and she was feeling bored

Avni pov: what should I do I am feeling very bored even amol and ali are also not here ,only one month more then we can also go with them but no they were very eager to go Mumbai ,should I call neil, no no he might be busy, should I go to office , yes I will go to office since many days I didn't go to office I think I have to go now and she gets ready to go to office

While driving car to office she meets with an accident and one man helps her and takes her to his home and gets her treated in his home, it has been one week for now but avni did not gain conscious and is in coma

Man: doctor is she fine now?

Doctor: yes she is fine but she lost her memory and we cant say when she will regain her memory so as a husband u should take care of her and I know u will because we had seen all these days

Man: but but doctor I am not

He gets interrupted by nurse

Nurse: doctor she gained conscious

Doctor: how r u dear?

Avni : doctor who am i? and what am I doing here ?

Doctor: u r mrs yash and he is ur husband and he shows the man

When yash was going to speak that he is not her husband doctor again interrupted him

Doctor: mr yash u have to take care of her ,I have important surgery to attend so plse excuse me

Yash pov: this doctor is not giving me a chance to talk and he left me with this girl about whom I don't even know ,yes I know I only kept her at home because the accident was happened because of me and I thought after she gets fine I will apologise to her and her family but , but what should I do now she lost her memory ,should I tell her directly that I am not her husband , its better to tell her directly

he goes to her to tell the truth again the doctor comes towards him

doctor: oh yes mr yash I forgot to tell u she should not have any kind of stress I mean don't make her try to remember past if she regains on her own its good but u should not force her, atleast for one month otherwise she might have very dangerous problem

yash : oh god seriously in which situation u had put me?

avni : yash

yash : haa haa yes

avni : whats my name ?

yash : ur naamee mm mm aarthi

avni : oh ok what r u thinking yash I am fine u don't worry and about my memory doctor said no that I will regain it so plse don't worry

yash pov: oh god this girl believed that I am her husband how can she be so dumb if any one were here in my place he will really take advantage of her for sure and poor girl it is not her mistake too if I am here with her right after accident any girl would believe that I might be known to her and this so called busy doctor told her that I am her husband so she believed

avni : yash yash

yash : ha haa

avni : yash see how exciting it is that I asked my name right?

Yash pov: oh god this girl is crazy who can be excited for memory loss and he smiles seeing her excitement

It has been two weeks now and avni is able to walk now ,Meanwhile here neil is heart broken as he couldn't find avni and all the other family members thought that avni dead but neil believed that she is alive, he is still alive with the hope of return of avni

Neil pov: avni where r u plse come to me I promise I will never scold u ,I will never fight with u plse come to me , I cannot live without u and he breakdown into tears

Avni pov: when ever I see yash I don't feel him as my husband and y am I feeling weird I am feeling as if he is not my family as if someone else are calling me , crying for me, even though I am talking to him with smile on my face I am feeling as if I am not connected to him and donno if I tell him my feeling he might feel sad , so for now I will let my feeling not come out and even y don't I feel it like this is my house , is he really my husband ? should I ask him ? no no ofcourse he is my husband he was there with me right during accident till now and he took care of me so he is my husband

Avni: yash y there are no one at home ? and y only we both don't we have a family?

Yash: hmm wow u asked very early!!

Avni : I wanted to ask but

Yash: its ok this is not our place we stay in Mumbai and I had a meeting here with khannas so we came here

Avni : khanna??

Yash: yes y what happened?

Avni : nothing I felt like I heard it many times as though I don't remember anything

Yash: oh ok

Avni pov: khanna !! this name , y did I feel strange when I heard khanna oh god plse help me with these unknown feelings

Yash pov: oh god plse help me in finding who is she ? I thought she will regain her memory but its been a week and still she is thinking that I am her husband . what should I do now?should I take her to police station to know her whereabouts or should I take her picture and distribute the pamphlets , no no I will find it out my self , I will keep a detective so that he can find who the girl is? If I give her to police then they might take advantage of her and I cannot get her into one more problem , I will never believe police , never in my life , so its better that I will only appoint a detective to find about her

Here neil is heart broken , he is like robo his body is present but his heart is somewhere else , he took leave for one month from his job as family members suggested him

Next morning avni woke up and did not find yash beside her and goes to hall and finds him there sleeping on couch

Avni pov: y does he sleep here on the couch ? is he really my husband ? or is he cheating me ? I should be careful until and unless I found it out

Avni: yash yash

Yash: haa haa

Avni : y do u sleep here and y dont u sleep beside me

Yash: u r not well right so u should have some space and I feel bad if u again get hurt because of me

Avni : oh ok , I think u have meeting today with khannas right?

Yash: oh yes thanku for reminding me and he goes to get ready but avni calls him

Avni : yash

Yash : yes

Avni : can I also come with u plse ?

Yash : but I think u need some rest

Avni : plse yash I want to come out for sometime , I am getting bored sitting in home

Yash: hmm ok then go and get ready

Avni : thanku

Here in neils house

Bebe: neel beta plse go out for sometime , how many days will u be like this in home , it has been a week now , I know u don't have any mood to go out but plse for us u plse go out and stay with friends so that ur mood changes

Neela: neil prakash ji forgot his file this is very important plse go and give him plse do this for me

Neil : ok maa

After neil left

Bebe: neela I know u did it purposely right?

Neela:yes bebe I thought he will go out atleast 

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