again we met

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at restaurant neil avni ali and amol ordered their food and were waiting for food

neil : got a call and goes out to attend the call

avni : amol did u talk to maa and how is she?

amol: no avni i will go and call her wait and he too leaves

avni : ali y are u behaving weird what happened?

ali : ahh ah hesitating tone that i have to go washroom

avni : laughs then what are u waiting for go y r u here do u want my permission or what?

ali : no yaar i cant leave u alone here let amol or neil come

avni : no u first go i will be ok and i am not a small kid now go

ali : ok take care of urself and dont go anywhere without any one of us

avni : ok now u go

ali goes to washroom running

avni laughs seeing him run

meanwhile when neil is about to come inside one girl stumbles into him

girl : oh hello are you blind

neil : looks at her face no actually u r blind y do u always bumps into someone

(she is the same girl who argued with avni and fell into neils arms in airport)

girl looks at neil

girl : oh sry i am sry and says hi i am madhu and handshakes with him

neil : its ok madhu and i am neil

madhu: nice to meet u

neil : same here

madhu : did u come alone

neil : no i am with my

and she got a call before neil could complete his sentence

madhu : oh i am sry neil i got to go bye see u

neil : ok bye and goes inside restaurant

madhu thinks about neil while driving her car

by the time neil goes inside he doesnt see anyone at the table

neil : where did these all people go ?

and ali comes there

neil : hey ali where did u go? and where are the other two?

ali : neil i went to washroom and amol went to talk to neela aunty and i told avni to sit here but donno where did she go?

and amol comes there

neil: amol where is avni?

amol: no i dont know she was with ali right?

avni comes there and all three boys ask her at a time " where did u go?"

avni : relax guys i was in washroom

neil : what is this avni why are u all wet ?

avni : oh this i forgot to say one idiot girl pour water on me when u people left me here alone

ali : what a girl? and why did she do that?

amol: yes avni who is she?

neil : first u tell me what u did to her that she poured water on u ? (in a mocking tone)

avni : neil(angrily) do u think that i did wrong hits him and turns aside

neil : acha ok now tell me what happend

avni : ok listen when ali left


avni found a girls wallet on the floor near by their table and takes it and calls a waiter

avni :excuse me

waiter: yes mam

avni : i found this here i think the owner of this purse might be worried so will u plse check whos this purse is? and give it to her

waiter: ok mam

and when avni was giving the purse to him one girl helds her hand (and the girl is none other than madhu)

madhu : looka at avni and yells at her uuu how dare u to steal my purse?

avni : oh hello i didnt stole ur purse and mind u dont u dare yell at me

madhu: oh ok then is it ok for u and throws juice on her face and leaves from there and stumbles with neil

avni : gets angry and shouts stupid girl and goes to wash her dress and face

flashback completed

neil ali and amol laughs at her

avni : oh god is it a joke why u people are laughing ? here i am very sad that one girl threw juice on me and u people are laughing? so disgusting and starts leaving from there

ali amol and neil : avni avni wait

but avni storms out

neil : ali amol dont worry i will get her you people go and start your dinner we will join u

amol: no jiju we all will eat together u go and bring avni

neil runs to avni

neil : avni avni and helds her hand and says stop

avni : no no first u people laugh and then come to me till then i will sit in car

neil : ok ok sry we will not laugh now come

avni : oh really but i dont want to come now there as i will only get angry being there where that girl threw juice on me

neil : oh avni dont care for such stupid girls and come now

avni : no neil i wont

neil : plse avni makes a cute puppy face

avni : ok let us go

and they go and have their dinner  

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