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avneil went to their room and were packing their bags

suddenly neil got a call

neil:whaat? accident!!! ok wait dont get worried i will be there

avni: neil what happened who was that and accident why are u tensed ?

neil:avni come with me and he takes her to hospital

avni: neil y are we here ?she stopped at the entrance

neil: avni plse come with me

avni : sees amol and runs to him

amol: hugs avni and cries

avni : is very afraid and asks amol what happened y are u crying and where is ---- where is ma --- ma in trembling voice

just then doctor comes out of operation theatre and speaks to amol

doctor: u mother lost a lot of blood and she needs blood immediately

amol: ok doc we will arrange it

neil : i will go and arrange amol and he goes from there not before asking amol to be strong and take care of avni

avni : amol whats going on and y is the doctor asking for blood and that too for maa(while crying) plse tell me amol plse tell me that our maa is fine and she cries out louder

amol: avni plse control urself see jiju went for arrangement right and our maa will be ok

avni cries a lot and she faints and is about to fall down on the ground but amol holds her

amol : avni avni plse wake up avni

neil sees avni from and runs to them

neil : now takes avni from amol and pats on her cheek crying out avni wake up avni

one nurse brings water and gives it to amol and amol sprinkles water on avni and she gains conscious

neil hugs avni and avni cries

avni : neil plse save my maa plse neil do something and cries her head hiding in his chest

neil: shhhh avni be strong nothing will happen to maa

and after sometime operation is done

doctor: now the lady is fine and u can go and see after she is shifted to her room

everyone are happy to see neela and neela sees avni still crying

neela: avni bacha i am alright now plse stop crying

but avni doesnt stop and neela sees neil and says

neela: neil plse tell her to stop crying

neil : maa she is ur daughter y will she listen to me she is very stubborn as u are

neela: neil am i a stubborn person

amol: yes u are why did u not listen to me and went urself to cross the road and that too night i said no that i will come along with u but u being a stubborn person went alone if anything happens to u where will i go maa

neela: looks like all my 3 bachas are very mad at me and looks at avni who is still crying and says avni plse bacha once come to me and sit beside me

avni goes and sits beside neela and neela wipes her tears

avni : hugs neela and cries maa how can u be so careless when amol said that he will come along with u then y did u not allow him ?

neela: i am sry bacha next time i will never do that and plse stop crying

avni stops crying

bebe : neela what is this beta u made all of us scared

neela: sry bebe i will never ever neglect again while crossing the road

doctor comes there

doc: hello neela ji how are u ?

neela: i am fine doctor but when can i go to my home

doc: sry neela ji u have to stay here for a week and after that we will discharge u

after sometime everyone went to home except neil , amol and avni

neil : (calls dd)dd tomorrow i cannot go to delhi as neela ma got admitted in hospital and plse tell comissioner and i will join day after tomorrow

dd : ok sir and how is neela aunty sir?

neil: she is fine dd but she has to stay here for a week

dd: oh ok sir take care

neil amol and avni stays whole night their and next morning

avni : neil and amol u two go to home and get fresh and i will be here with maa

amol: no avni u and jiju go i will be here

avni : no i am not going to listen to u and u people go

neil and amol leave to their respective house

after sometime bebe and swetha comes to hospital

swetha: good morning neela ji and avni

neela and avni smiles at them

bebe: actually its good afternoon swetha

swetha: haa bebe good afternoon everyone

everyone laughs out loud

bebe: avni puttar u go to home and get fresh up we are there no we will take care of neela

neela: ha bacha u go and take some rest and swetha ji and bebe are there no i will be fine

avni : ok maa and take care and leaves to house

avni comes to home and goes to her room and finds neil packing his bag

avni pov: oh no i totally forgot that i and neil were going delhi and neil should join there today and tears are rolling down from her tears and hugs neil from back 

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