neils anger

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neil thinks how did he know that avni is my wife and asks them who were standing his back (amol and ali )

neil:amol speak something how did he know this

amol:tells him everything

neil slaps him and amol looses his balance and was about to fall but ali holds him

ali:neil calm down

neil:ali plse not now and again shouts on amol how can u do this amol and helds his shoulders and shakes him if anything happens to my avni i am not going to spare u people and goes from there

amol:jiju jiju plse let me also come

neil: no no need

amol:jiju plse

and they three go to police station and traces avnis location as avni phone was with her and they traced her location and went there

in a building avni was tied to chair and a bomb was wrapped around her and her mouth was closed with plaster

neil , amol and ali eneterd and all other subordinates took their positions and searched for akash

neil saw akash coming towards him smiling

akash:welcome officer welcome

neil:akash where is avni pointing gun towards him

akash:well she is in this building but u cannot find her and even if u find her there will be a blast because i wrapped a bomb around her and before he could say anything more neil shot him and he was dead

now neil ali and amol were searching for avni and found avni in a room

neil went towards avni and it is a time bomb which is going to blast in five more minutes

neil is tensed and called bomb squad and asks them which wire should he cut to diffuse the bomb as there was no time and he cut the wire and bomb got diffused

and neil untied her and she fell unconsious there and they took to hospital

neil:doctor what happened to her is she fine

doctor:dont worry officer she is fine but has fracture in her leg and she needs rest and this is all due to stress

neil feels relaxed and storms out from the hospital and traces the location of sandeep

as soon as he finds sandeep he goes towards him gives a tight slap to sandeep to which he falls unconscious

and neil sprinkles water on his face so that he gains conscious and again starts beating him

neil: how dare u sandeep i will not leave u for trying to molest avni and beats him

dd:sir stop it sir he will die

neil then controls himself and dd arrests sandeep

and neil directly goes to his home

here avni wakes up in the hospital and everyone were beside her except neil and her eyes were searching for neil

bebe:avni puttar neil is not here he is at home

avni is sad now

swetha:dont worry beta i think he is tired and we are all here right

avni:covered her sad face with smile so

and prakash did all the formalities and avni got discharged

avni was not able to walk and was about to fall then amol holds her and helps her   

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