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  avni , ali and amol enters delhi and waits for neil but neil gets late as he  is trapped in

traffic jam

neil pov: oh no i am late and avni might be waiting for me over there alone in the airport

ali : avni yaar where is neil call him

avni : ok wait i will call him and calls him and says oh no , no signal here wait i will try there and goes to find signal in her phone and she stumbles into a girl

girl and avni both fell down and both gets hurt

girl : ouch

avni : oh i am sry i am really sry

girl : hey girl are u blind?

avni : i am sry

girl: what sry ? how can u be so careless u ugly girl

avni gets angry

avni : hello miss here i am apologizing u and u are yelling at me

girl : how cheap first u hurt me and now u are blaming me

avni : see till now i was quiet because i did mistake and now if u use bad words i am not going to tolerate u

girl : hmm whatever i dont want to talk to cheap road side girls and she leaves from there

avni stood there dumb stuck wjile ali and amol comes to her

amol: avni what happened who is that girl y did she go like that

avni : leave it she is mad

ali : hmm one mad girl doesnt want to talk about other mad girl goo

avni hits alis arms and they three sat now in dominos which was in airport and were waiting for neil

here neil reached airport and a girl bumps into him and was about to fall but neil helds her and she is the same girl who just argued with avni

neil : oh careful miss

girl : sees neil and admires him and get losts in his eyes

neil :oh  hello miss and snaps his fingers and makes her straight and leaves from there to find avni

here girl gets into her car and thinks about neil and avni gets out of dominos and is walking here and there and was desperate to meet neil and neil sees avni from far and screams her name

neil : avniii

avni sees him and runs to him as soon as she sees him and jumps to hug him as he is too tall and neil helds her as if she is his kid

avni : is very happy and says i missed u neil and kisses his cheek

neil : i too missed u and keeps her down and kisses on her forehead and again hugs her

ali and amol comes there

ali : clears his throat guys this is airport not ur home

avneil break their hug

neil : arey amol and ali are here and hugs them

amol : yes jiju how can we let avni come here alone

neil : hmm i am damn sure this is moms plan

except neil three of them laughs and says yes

neil : see i said no and ok now lets go to home

all of them head towards their home and reaches home

everyone goes to their room

in avneil room

avni : wow neil this room is soo beautiful

neil hugs avni from back and places his chin on her shoulder

neil : yes i know but not as beautiful as u and nuzzles her neck

avni : blushes and neil let me go and have bath first and tries to go away

neil pulls her more close to him and turns her around so that she faced him

neil : no wifey not now plse i met you after a week and kisses all over her face

avni : in trembling voice neil

neil : hmm

avni : neil i am

before avni could speak further neils kisses her and she too reciprocates the kiss and they part due to lack of oxygen

avni : neil now plse let me go and have bath i am starving

neil : hmm wifey how unromantic u are? and keeps a cute annoyed face

avni : aww how cute and gives a peck on his lips and runs to bathroom 

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