avnis jealousy

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avnis jealousy

avneil room

neil:i am sry avni plse talk to me (after that incident avni did not even utter a word to neil )

avni pov:no i wont y should i , i know u were worried about me but how could u shout infront of everyone

neil:avni plse yaar talk to me plse look at me y are u behaving like this

and thinks who can say that i am a cop see me i am literall begging my wife to talk to me even when i did not do any mistake yeah i know i shouldnt have shouted infront of every one but she should also listen to me atleast in somecases afterall i am her husband

neil:ok then goodnight and he switchoffs the light and sleeps turning opposite to avni

avni pov:look at him how can he do that he knows that i cant sleep all alone like this and i only fall asleep when he is nearer to me and he cant even apologise for 1 more minute and she too closes her eyes to sleep

but both were sleeping as they were thinking about eachother and both turned to eachother at a time and this time again neil started

neil:avni i am sry plse come to me

avni:in tears and without uttering a word went into her husband arms and said neil i know u were worried i am sry too next time i will not go alone and u too dont shout at me infront of everyone

neil:smiled and said then should i scold u when we are alone

avni:dont u dare neil khanna

neil smiled at this and hugged her tightly for which she too responded and they both slept peacefully

next morning at clg

avni was organising freshers day and was busy with her event and tiya was sitting without any work and was commenting on people to which avni got angry and gave her work to which she declined but later accepted as to showoff infront of neil and sandeep and her work was to climb ladder and place mirchi lights

tiya wantedly slipped from ladder so that neil can catch her as she sees neil coming towards her

neil:catches her in his arms and asks are u ok tiya

tiya:acts as if she got scared and hugs him and neil says its ok tiya nothing had happened

avni who is watching all this got very angry but was controlling her anger and thinks if it was not the clg then she would have kicked her like a football

neil placed tiya on ground and left her with her friends and looka at avni and thinks oh god plse save me from my wifey not again and goes from there

here sandeep constantly stares at avni as if he did not see any girl in his life

sandeeps pov:how can a girl be so cute like avni and i donno when ever i see her i am not able take my eyes from her so i should go away from here and he leaves from there

at canteen

sandeep goes to canteen and meets akash who is an attender of the clg and is friend of sandeep too and they have chitchat for some time and leaves from there

akash goes to ali:

ali:hi akash u after many days

akash :hi ali u are saying as if i am very old to this place and i met u after many days i joined two weeks back only right?

ali:haan but first week u came and after that u did not come to canteen for a week and now again i am seeing u and by the way why did u not come to canteen for a whole week

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