amol rocked natahsa shocked

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after feeding soup neil takes some rest and avni sits beside him

natasha pov : oh god what should i do now? this lady is not leaving any chance to get closer to neil , and everything i plan goes in vain what should i do now should i instigate swetha aunty against avni , yes this would be the beat option , after all mother in laws are the best options to break the marriages(poor girl she doesnt know that swetha would be the first person to slap her after knowing her truth)

natasha goes to khanna mansion and everyone were at hall

swetha: beta u came and how is neil ?

natasha: he is fine aunty

swetha: and how is avni ?

natasha: avni ? where did avni come from aunty? is she not here?

swetha: what ? avni did not come to hospital?

natasha: no aunty , i was with neil all the time and i thought avni does not know about neil and so she did not come to neil

swetha: what?

natasha: yes aunty i was with neil all the time and just now he slept so i came here to fresh up

swetha: what? then where did avni go?

natahsa: finally i did it , now aunty will get angry on avni and she shouts at avni and i will behave as a good girl infront of her and i will make neil mine

swetha: oh know i have to call her then

natasha: yes aunty call her

amol : no need of that i just dropped her

natasha pov : oh god did he hear our conversation ? i dont think so , if he have heard it he might have yelled at me

amol goes to her and hugs her which shocks everyone

amol : thanku very much natasha , thanku so much , i know u are taking care of my jiju because u dont want to see me upset and i too love u natahsa

natasha and everyone over there gets shocked

bebe: what ?

amol : yes bebe natahsa loves me and this is the main reason y she is staying here , am i right natasha?

natahsa gets shocked and she stands still

swetha: amol what r u talking and did she say that she loves u

amol : yes aunty she proposed me and i asked her some time and now i learned that she love me more than i expected so i fell for her

natasha comes out of trance

bebe: but amol r u sure

amol : yes bebe i am 100% sure i love her and she loves me too

swetha: natasha is amol saying truth?

natasha: no aunty he is lying i dont love him and amol y r u saying so

amol: oh come on natasha , y r u behaving like this , now u dont need to get scared this is our family and u r free to reveal ur feelings

natahsa: amol r u mad what r u speaking? r u in senses ?

amol : natahsa its not time for joking say them that u love , u love me so u came early to our home with avni on that day when they announced me as parikh mansions MD right , if u dont love me then what is the need to come early u could have come late at evening when party gets started but no u came early because u wanted to spend some time with me and u did

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