neil shocked

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 Avni and yash reach khanna industries , all the staff greet avni and yash with goodmorning

No one knows about avnis death as neil don't want to tell them until he is sure about avni being dead, so staff are behaving normal seeing avni

Yash pov: oh wow khannas are too good at receiving their guests , even they are greeting this girl too(avni)

Yash: aarthi u wait here I will go and meet mr khanna

Avni : ok u carry on

Yash leaves to khanna cabin

Here one of the staff member goes to avni

Staff: mam come I will take u to ur cabin

Avni pov : oh so yash has a cabin here

She goes to her cabin and she feels connected to this office and her cabin , as soon as she enters her cabin she finds neils photo frame and she goes towards its, she stares the photo frame constantly

Avni pov: who is he? And y am I getting attracted to his photo ? and y the hell his picture is in yashs cabin , what is happening to me ? oh god plse help me to gain my memory plse

Meanwhile here neil reached office and called a staff member

Neil: can u give this file to mr khanna

Staff member: oh yes sir

Neil: thanku

he starts leaving but stops looking at avnis cabin and goes towards her cabin

here avni starts feeling her heartbeat fastening

avni pov: what is happening to me , y this sudden feeling as if someone most important person of my life is near to me

neil pov: y am I feeling like avni is here somewhere

he opens the door and gets shocked ,he sees a girl standing near window facing towards window and her back facing to neil

neil pov: she is looking so familiar , is she my avni? Yes she is my avni

neil : he wisphers with a doubt avni

avni turns around and finds neil staring at her with tears in his eyes and here as soon as avni turned towards him he was overwhelmed with happiness and tears flowing down his cheek and runs towards avni and hugs her tightly

neel: avni , I know u r alive I know u will not leave me alone , where have u been these days I missed u a lot and starts kissing her forehead

avni gets shocked by his gesture and at first she doesn't move but later she shoves him away and slaps him

avni : how dare u to touch me

and she storms out of the cabin and neil stays numb for a second , he doesn't understand anything and after a second he too runs behind avni

neil : avni avni and he helds her hand

avni : hey u leave my hand and who is avni y are u calling me as avni , I am aarthi yash

neil gets shocked and tears roll down his cheeks

neil : no no u r my avni , avni what happened to u , I am ur neil and u r not any aarthi u r avni neil khanna

avni : r u mad

hearing sounds yash and prakash comes running out of the cabin

seeing yash avni runs to him and hugs him

yash: he hesitates to hug her back and asks what happened aarthi? Y r u crying

avni : yash he is misbehaving with me

neil is shocked and tears are not stopping , prakash is also shocked on finding avni alive and he is soo happy

yash: hey mr who r u and how dare u to touch her

neil : how dare u ? she is my wife and who r u?

yash: what ur wife ? and what is the proof ?

prakash : yes she is his wife and my daughter in law we thought we lost her 2 weeks back but she is alive

avni : yash what is all this and y r u asking proof ? I am ur wife right?

Yash : no u r not my wife . I am sry I found u on highway , actually accident was happened by me and I took u to my home and I thought I will drop u at ur home once u get conscious but u were having memory loss so I thought I will appoint a detective to find about u but today ur family is here

Avni cries and she faints and neil helds her lifts her and takes her to their home

At home everyone one are overwhelmed to find out that avni is alive and she was placed on her bed and doctor was checking her

Neil : doctor how is avni?

Doctor: she is fine, and congratulations she is one month pregnant

All are very very happy hearing this news and neil is beyond happiness , his happiness cant be described in words

Neil: but doctor when will she gain her memory

Doctor: we cant say that it might take some time but she is fine

Neil: thanku doctor

Doctor leaves

Yash : I am sry plse forgive me

Neil goes to yash and hugs him

Neil : thanku thanku thanks a lot that u saved my avni I will never forget this

Bebe: yes yash beta u have done a big favour for all of us which we will never forget

Yash : I am sry the accident has happened because of me , I am really sry plse forgive me

Neela: its ok yash , it is an accident right , for us avni is everything and u saved her instead of leaving her alone and thanku for that

Yash : thanku aunty and I think I should leave , but before leaving once can I talk to avni (looking at neil)

Neil : oh yeah sure u can

Yash goes to avni , avni looks at him with tearful eyes

Avni : is that true what u have said earlier

Yash : I am sry avni, I was about u tell u the truth but , he explains her every thing

Avni : its ok

Yash : and avni u r very lucky to have a family like this who loves u a lot and neil , neil is really very good man I have seen utmost love in his eyes for u and I know for now u will be uncomfortable with them but trust me he is a very good husband and loves u a lot and bye I have to go now , take care

Avni : thanku and smiles at him

He too smiles and leaves to his home

Everyone enters the room and all have happy tears in their eyes

Neela: meri bacha and hugs avni

Avni too cries

Neela: avni I am ur maa

Avni : maa and she too hugs her and cries

Later she hugs everyone and each member introduce themselves except neil , neil just smiles seeing everyone and their happiness

Swetha: see now I will treat u as a princess and u will do no work now so that even my grand child should know that both his grandmothers love him and his mom a lot

Avni : what ? grand child?

Neela: yes my bacha u r going to become mom

Avni looks at neil she is very happy and shocked too

Bebe: ok now let her rest and we will come afterwards let us all go now

Everyone leaves and avneil are alone in their room

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