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all arrived clg with their beautiful attires and neil came in dabaang style and was waiting for avni as avni got late today and not only neil there was sandeep too who was waiting for avni

sandeep:where is this avni y didnt she has come yet

neil:avni where are you come fast yaar

later avni arrived there with ali she was looking beautiful even though she wore bubli costume

neil:this girl will one day kill me with her beauty

and same goes here with sandeep

priya:wow avni u look good

avni:u too priya and hugs her

sandeep :hi avni u look so beautiful saying this he put his hand on avnis shoulder

ali gets angry and neil too gets angry

avni:thanku sir and she goes from there with ali

ali:how dare he he can also say it without touching u and u avni y didnt u say anything

avni:what should i do then should i shout at him then everyone thinks that i think a lot

ali:ok leave it but be away from him


just then neil comes there

priya:goodmrng sir and sir u r looking soo handsome in this costume

neil:thanku priya and u are also looking cute as usual

priya:thanku sir

neil now looks at avni and is lost in her beauty and stares at her as if it is last day

ali clears his throat and

ali:neil where are u lost

neil:nothing ali come lets go and goes with ali

priya:avni did u see that

avni:scared little and asks what?

priya:avni i think he likes u

avni:wides her eyes and asks who?

priya:our neil sir and infact i think that sandeep sir also likes u but i dont like that sandeep sir and if u want to have any relation with them u choose neil sir not sandeep sir

avni:are u mad nothing like and i am not going to choose anyone

priya:what yaar avni how could u not accept neil sir look at him how handsome he is

avni:what if he is handsome ok now plse leave that i dont want to talk about it

priya :avni look there

avni look towards neil and tiya and gets angry

tiya:hello sir u look so handsome

neil:thanku tiya and u look too beautiful

tiya:thanku sir

and all were going to dance and choose their own partners

priya:went near ali asked him for dance and he accepted

sandeep went near avni and asked her for dance

sandeep:hi beautiful would u like to dance with me

avni:sir sry but i dont know to dance

sandeep:oh come on i will show u how to dance and takes he from there

neil sees this and gets angry

tiya:feels jealous and thinks how did that sandeep sir went near that avni and no problem i have another handsome here and goes to neil

tiya:sir will u plse dance with me

neil:first says no but accepts seeing her sad face

sandeep keep his hands on avnis waist starts dancing avni feels uncomfortable and this was being noticed by neil and he was not able to do anything and another song plays and partners should change

avni goes to neil and tiya goes to sandeep

avni:neil y were u dancing with tiya

neil:u were also dancing with sandeep right

avni:yes but he took me forcefully and i couldnt do anything as he was my sir

neil:i too declined her but she put a sad face so said yes

and they both were lost in each other and were happy and again the song changed but avni was not interested in dancing now and she stood there enjoying

later while having lunch sandeep sees amol and goes to him

sandeep:hello amol how are you?

amol:hello sir i am fine thanku

sandeep:yesterday after dropping avni where were u?

amol:i went to my home sir

sandeep:in angry tone but in lower voice how dare u to lie to me

amol:what are u saying sir i went home back as soon as dropping her at home

sandeep:dont u dare to lie to me and why did u lift avnis call what were u doing with her mobile and now say the truth as avni said that it was u who lifted the call yesterday

amol:was confused and later he got that neil might have lifted her call and said

sir yes it was me but avni was busy with her work so took the call what is there in that

sandeep:what is there in that? ok now listen to me carefully u be away from avni even if she insists to be with her u must not because she is mine

amol got very angry and was about to beat him but then there neil came towards them and amol went from there angrily towards avni and held her hand and takes her to the corner

avni:amol what are doing leave my hand and its hurting me

amol:see i dont have time to argue with u now listen to me dont be too sensitive at everytime and be away from that sandeep and he leaves from there leaving avni confused and shocked

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