8- Pink Twisters Smell Wonderful

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Hermione rushed out of Milette's office, frowning as angry thoughts raced through her head. Draco Malfoy is a spiteful, self-centered, prejudiced git. I'll never love him, and I'll never let anyone or anything force me to feel that way. I can't believe I even tried to force myself to fall in love when the flowers on my forehead were dying!

She was so lost in her thoughts that she wasn't looking where she was going as she fast-walked down the hospital halls. She bumped into a tall figure, who stumbled back with a hiss.

Hermione gasped and realized she had just bumped into the dark-hooded figure holding the Organink Wand right hand. The hissing came from the Cobrazor on his shoulders.

"You..." Hermione narrowed her eyes, trying to see the face under the hood. She whipped out her wand, pointed at the figure, but the figure instantly whipped out his wand in his left hand and whispered an incomprehensible spell. Hermione instantly flew backwards, crashing into another body and landing on the hard-tiled floors.

"Ow! Dammit, Granger, get off me!" Draco pushed her off of him and stood up, brushing his shirt. Forktongue was at his heels, hissing and spitting at her.

Hermione snorted and shot up to her feet, turning around to face the dark-hooded figure. But he was gone.

"Argh!" Hermione threw her hands up in the air. "He disappeared again! Who is this wizard? I bet he's responsible for bringing Voldemort back into the world."

Draco huffed and shouldered past her. "Well, now that I know you're never going to reciprocate any love for me, I can stop wasting my time thinking about you and start focusing on my duties as an Auror. Instead of chasing after you, I'll be able to chase after that thief like I'm supposed to."

But before he could walk any more than a few feet away from Hermione, the two of them were suddenly trapped in a twister of hot-pink pollen. The four Barkson Yapillons—Piper, Plutarco, Pokey, and Penny—were running up to them, coming from all directions. They were releasing the hot-pink mist from their mouths, nostrils, and ears as they yapped.

Draco and Hermione collided again, and spun together in the hot-pink twister of Amorabloom Pollen.

As their bodies spun together in midair, in the center of the twister of hot-pink pollen and dust, Hermione was gazing into Draco's grey-blue eyes, feeling dizzier and dizzier. But she was able to ignore the dizziness, the longer she stared at Draco. And as she inhaled the sweet-smelling, vanilla-cherry aroma, she felt her loins tingle. Draco suddenly looked so beautiful, so alluring to her, and she found herself involuntarily wrapping her arms around his neck, resting his forearms on his shoulders.

Draco was also enticed by the aroma and the dizzy sensation. He caressed Hermione's cheek with the back of his hand, and then leaned forward to give her soft kisses down her neck. The four Yapillons bounced around, circling them both to keeping them spinning in midair in the center of the hot-pink twister. They were also feeling the intense euphoria again. They continued to yap and yap, for that was how they were releasing the Amorabloom Pollen from their ears, noses, and mouths.

Then a loud yelp came from Piper. The spinning stopped, and the hot-pink mist began to dissolve. Hermione fell to the floor, with Draco landing on top of her. Forktongue was hissing and spitting, stabbing at the four Yapillons with his long, extensive tongue and three-pronged tail, which had caused them to scatter and cease exhaling the Amorabloom Pollen.

Hermione and Draco instantly regained their normal senses. They were glaring at each other with disgust.

"Get offa me, Malfoy," she harshly shoved him off of her.

"Hmph," Draco stood up on his feet and stepped over her, not bothering to help her stand up. "Get 'em, Forktongue!" He watched as the Yapillons fluttered away, covered in blood and green gunk. Forktongue hissed after them, his neck flaps rattling rapidly. "Can't believe they just did that to us. I gotta talk to Galvin and have him make sure Pokey keeps himself and the other Yapillons from doing that again."

"Hah!" Hermione got up, frowning at Draco. "Go ahead and tell Galvin what you want. Milette just told me that she can't even get Plutarco to refrain from chasing us and releasing Amorabloom Pollen to induce romantic feelings between us. Those Yapillons got an intense euphoric feeling from releasing all that Amorabloom Pollen around us that one night we had sex, and they loved the feeling so much that they will stop at nothing to try and induce the same circumstances again."

Draco turned to Hermione, his eyes narrowed. "Really, now?"

Hermione huffed and crossed her arms. "Don't think you can use this as an opportunity to make me like you again, Draco."

"Oh no, I'm really not happy about this either, Granger. I really don't want to have you falling for me in such an unnatural way again, especially since it already didn't work out the first time, when we both had Bedazzlebuds running through our blood," he stood still to allow Forktongue to slither around his body until the snake was resting on his shoulders. Then he brushed passed Hermione, holding his head high. "I'm already ashamed with myself for even thinking about a serious relationship with a mudblood like you. I've got much more important things to work on in life, such as chasing after that dark-hooded thief. And Voldemort."

Hermione stuck her chin at him as he ventured farther away down the hall. "Good. Then make sure your stupid snake stays loyal enough to scare off those Yapillons."

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