12- Screw It, Just Do It

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Hermione opened her eyes and found herself in a cage. Panicking, she sat up and crawled toward the screen of the cage. She peered out and saw that she was in a spacey laboratory. The walls were shining white, and there were numerous tables covered with pipettes, potions, multicolored flasks, and a variety of other lab materials.

Hermione also saw her reflection on the shiny-white wall in the distance. Apparently, her cage was only one of many cages stacked upon each other, each consisting of an unconscious person inside.

Before she could say or do anything, there was a loud yell from across the room. They looked outside their cage to see the dark-hooded figure walk in the lab, pushing Draco in front of him.

"Let me go, dammit!" Draco was shouting, struggling to escape the dark-hooded figure's grip on his shoulders. "Let me go! My father will hear about this!"

"Ah, but he already has," the voice came from the thief. The dark-hooded figure pulled back his hood, revealing the face of Lucius Malfoy.

Hermione cupped her hands around her mouth to hold back a shocked scream.

Draco looked over his shoulder. His glare transformed into a hollow look of horror.

Lucius grinned. "Now, please behave yourself. What I'm about to do, I'm doing for your own good."

"Hey!" Hermione banged at her cage. "You let him go! What is the meaning of this?! How did you escape Azkaban and what in the world are you trying to accomplish with my Organink Wand?"

Lucius turned to Hermione. He chuckled and walked slowly toward her cage, pulling along a traumatized-looking Draco with him.

"Why, isn't it obvious, little mudblood?" Lucius tilted his head and smiled deviously. "I'm restoring order to this world. I've brought back the Dark Lord, former Death Eaters who had been killed, and a new army of Death Eaters that I've written about myself, so that I can help the Dark Lord fulfill what he failed to fulfill before he was killed by that silly Potter boy." He nodded at all the sleeping people in each of the cages around her. "Muggles, squibs, and muggle-borns shall be under the Imperius Curse, but they will also be injected with this stuff," he grabbed a small bottle of blue-and-yellow liquid. "This is Neuromod Potion. Injecting this in you will modify your genes so that once you are struck with the Imperius Curse, your neurochemistry will be permanently changed, and you will be permanently under the curse with no hope of ever escaping or resisting. No magic spell or willpower would ever allow you to escape once you are injected with Neuromod and then subsequently struck with the Imperius Curse. It's the perfect combination of science and sorcery, isn't it, sweetheart?"

Hermione glared at the Death Eater. "You won't get away with this. Harry, Ron, and I will stop you all again."

Draco was shaking his head at his father. "I-is mum involved with all of this?"

"Not yet, son," said Lucius. "I've been questioning her loyalties lately since she's been quite friendly with some muggle-borns at her office, but I can assure you, she will rejoin us once she sees how powerful we can all be."

Draco yanked his hand out of his father's grip and glared into his father's eyes. "She wouldn't! Mum doesn't want to have anything to do with the Dark Lord's ideologies. And neither do I."

Hermione gazed at Draco, suddenly feeling a sense of admiration for him. She would have never expected him to be standing up to his father like that.

Lucius's evil smile instantly transformed into a wide-eyed glare. But before he could say anything to his son, there was a meek giggle that echoed across the room. Hermione, Draco, and Lucius looked up to see a short, stubby lady dressed in pink walking their way.

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