13- Dancing, Eight-Legged Weasels

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"You're kidding," Ginny's face was priceless. She stared at Hermione with awe after she revealed everything that happened to her after she and Draco were kidnapped by the thief.

Hermione shook her head as she ate her chicken salad. "Nope. Lucius Malfoy is the thief, and under Umbridge's orders, he has stolen the Organink Wand and the Organink Potion, using both to bring back Voldemort and other Death Eaters back into this world."

Ginny started cracking up and banged the table, nearly spilling her glass of water over her lunch. "Oh my gosh, Hermione! I still can't get over what those Yapillons did to Umbridge and Lucius! They actually had plants growing out of every hole in their bodies?!"

Hermione chuckled, recalling the moment they were rescued. But then she wiped the smile off her face and gave Ginny's foot a gently kick. "Seriously, Ginny. You and your Auror partner should try and address this, because there may be a ton of former Death Eaters secretly wreaking havoc out there. I doubt Draco and Harry are going to get much done together."

Ginny rolled her eyes and took a bite out of her sandwich. "Yeah, well, Astoria and I aren't the best pair of Aurors either. That woman is so gloomy and detached. Sometimes I think she wanted to be an Auror, just so she could allow criminals to kill her since she's to scared to do so herself."

Hermione frowned, but she couldn't help cracking a short laugh. Ginny's energetic and outspoken personality always managed to lighten up her mood.

"Anyways," Ginny sighed, crossing her arms on the table and looking her friend in the eye. "How are things going with Ron? How many glasses do you need to go through before you can let him touch you without freaking out?"

"About four glasses of Firewhiskey," said Hermione, rolling her eyes. "It definitely doesn't help me get turned on, but at least I can tolerate any sexual advances. If only M.B. had written about some healing power of the Yapillons that could restore normal sex drive."

"Oh!" Ginny sat up straight. "Speaking of M.B.'s creatures, remember how you and M.B. released some weasels last year? The extra-long ones with, like, eight legs or something?"

"The Weaselmimes?" Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Yes! Luna's taking great care of them—I met up with her over coffee just last week to catch up on her life, and she tells me she has now formed an official dance group with all eleven of her Weaselmimes."

Hermione recalled that the Weaselmimes were seven-foot-long weasels with eight legs. In M.B.'s Genotopia book, they were genetically modified to have the ability to mimic sounds exactly the way they sounded in real life. They were the first genopets she and M.B. had brought into their world from the Genotopia book. It was one of their first trial runs with the Organink Potion and Organink Wand. They had allowed Luna Lovegood to care for the Weaselmimes since Luna had been spending her post-war life working with magical creatures.

Hermione laughed. "So now Luna's got her own dance group with the Weaselmimes?"

"Oh yes, and they actually look legit. She sent me a video of them doing their first dance to the song, Hotline Bling," Ginny pulled out her iPhone (ever since the Wizarding War ended, science and technology of all sorts had become mainstream and better understood by wizards in order to maximize combat and defensive strategies in case another wizarding war occurred). She and Hermione stared at her phone screen, watching Luna and eleven yellow-furred, eight-legged weasels dancing to Hotline Bling. Hermione and Ginny giggled over the peculiar creatures. The Weaselmimes were on their hind legs so that they were much taller than Luna. Their slender bodies wriggled and swayed like confetti rising from the ground on a windy day. Their other six legs were moving up and down in sync with one another and with the song as their bodies wiggled and snaked around.

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