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Jin and Hoseok stood there, too shocked to even say a word. Jin's tears went down his cheek one by one flowing uncontrollably. Jin just wanted to curl up into a ball and lock himself away not caring about the world nor his troubles at that moment.

To be honest the only thing you could hear in the room were the sobs of Jin and a faint cry from Hoseok. Jin wanted to run up to his dead boyfriend so badly and hug him, hug him so tightly to say his last goodbyes.

"W-why?" Jin stuttered. After that Jimin had left to look through his "tools", Hoseok took this time to run to Yoongi. Before Hoseok had made it a tall shadow over looked him, there was nothing for him to do so he stood there defeated. Hoseok turned back to Jin but he quickly gave a glance of guilt towards Yoongi before standing next to his crying friend again.

Just then Jimin came back with a few things in a bag, weapons if you want to be precise. Jimin dived his hand in choosing carefully, his hand slowly rises with a sharp knife following it after.

"Ah look it's the one I killed your boyfriend with." Jin scoffed at his disrespecting words.

Jimin then pointed the knife at Jin his smirk soon came after.

"Would you, Jin like to be killed by this very knife too?" Jin froze being careful not to make a mistake as he's probably going to be next.

Jimin pointed to a seat that was across the room, he gestured Jin to sit down onto it. Right after jin sat down Jimin's assistant came and tied him tight onto the seat and slapped duck tap over his mouth.

Jimin grabbed Namjoon and placed him on a seat opposite Jin. Jin immediately looked down but a hand forcefully grabbed his jaw and pushed him back up. Tears once again flowed down his cheeks, he shook his head side to side begging for this to be over.

Finally Jimin wore his satisfied smirk and turned Jin's chair around.

"This is what Hoseok did to me... he took my love away but how about you take his life away hmm?" Jimin whispered so Hoseok couldn't hear a thing.

Jin shook his head saying no, he wasn't going to cause anymore deaths not today not ever.

"How about this, you kill Hoseok and I will let you leave I will go and never come back into your life ever again." Jimin took the duck tape around his mouth off letting him speak.

"The p-police will know it was me... while you get out of it! Besides I would never kill him." Jin looked away from Jimin not wanting to look at his face again.

Jimin took ahold of his face again and re applied the duck tap. He started to curse at himself and pulling at his hair, his plan had failed but he wasn't going to give up.

"I-if you won't do it I will..." was the last thing Jin heard before he was knocked out by an alright sized brick Jimin had found by the side of him.

Jimin walked up to Hoseok who was trembling at his knees, he knew what Jimin was capable off as he has done it before.

"I thought you were my friend... but you were the one to put me in prison." Jimin snapped at Hoseok leaving Hoseok to collapse on the ground full of fear.

"I-I didn't mean for you to get arrested! You needed help..." Jimin laughed and started to pull at his own hair again.

Jimin left Hoseok to sit on the ground crying, crying his eyes out uncontrollably until there were no tears left and they were dried up on his cheek's. Jimin did watch from the distance satisfied from what he had created.

He went over to Yoongi who seemed to have stopped crying ages ago, he had one of those cold looks plastered all over his face not twitching once.

"Well hello there my love." Jimin smiled and started to play with Yoongi's messed up hair. This time Yoongi did twitch and moved his head to the side a bit more to get his hand away.

Jimin kept teasing him by playing with his hair over and over until he had given up, Jimin smirked then leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"You know... Hoseok isn't the person you think he is, he will just leave you as the second  option he plays with people's-" just then sirens could be heard in the distance.

Jimin panicked he started to sweat he was confused, he had gone through the little Brocken door way and tried to run but luckily jungkooks strong muscles had caught him just in time.

Hoseok had managed to get up and run towards Yoongi, he took the duck tap of around his face just after he had untied the rope to his left hand he felt a sharp pain on his cheek.

"Don't touch me!" And Yoongi had carried to on untie himself. Hoseok stood there confused and betrayed.

"I swear whatever Jimin told you wasn't true!" Yoongi didn't know who to believe if he went to his heart it would be to go to Hoseok the person who had changed his life... or believe what Jimin told him, it does add up they both knew each other in the past.

I wonder who Yoongi chooses..

Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, once again sorry for the slow updates but I heard there's a half term coming up so I will make up for it.

Does anyone play sbts? I recently started playing it and it is hard 0-0 anyway bye bye.

hello, new neighbour // yoonseok // completedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat