Steroline #1

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A/N: Hey Everyone! I'm so sorry for the inactivity, I know it's been months since I updated. But, I'm back again, and today, as you saw by the title, I am going to be writing my first Steroline one-shot. Let me know in the comments what kind of one-shot you want next!

Caroline sat on an oak's resilient branch as her emerald-like eyes searched for a sign of life. She wanted to be around none of it - she wanted to be alone. She had a stainless steel flask in her hands, and drank some of it, enjoying the silence of the woods. 

"Day-drinking, really?" Caroline heard a deep voice ask. She turned around, a slight chuckle escaping her lips.

"You should talk," Caroline replied, smiling down Stefan from the branch. Stefan walked over to the trunk of the tree and pulled himself onto the same branch as Caroline. 

"What's on your mind?" Stefan asks. Caroline sighs, and looks down at her hanging feet.

"Everything. Life. The twins. My job," Stefan looks at her, his eyes narrowing.

"What about your job?" He asks.

Caroline turns her head to Stefan, "How I can't work there and stay there for more than a few years at a time. How I will have to quit once it's been too long, and people start noticing I look the same as I did five years ago." Caroline lets everything spill out of her mouth and into Stefan's ears. She feels bad for putting everything on him, but also thankful that he was there for her.

"Hey," Stefan grabs Caroline's hand. "It'll be alright," Caroline kisses him, feeling the tender warmth of his lips. Caroline puts her forehead onto Stefan's, and they sit there for a while. Their silent moment is cut to end as they hear the branch snap, snap, crack!  and Stefan grabs Caroline as quick as he can and pushes off with his vampire speed to the ground just half a second before the branch comes crashing down, making several birds jump into flight.

Stefan was still carrying Caroline bridal-style, her arms around his neck. "I guess you're getting a little too fat for the branch. Did 'ya eat too much bunny today?" Stefan rolls his eyes.

"You know, I thought you were the one who wouldn't constantly pick on me."

"I guess not."

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