Chapter 1

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Jimin's POV

Well, that was the most beautiful wedding I've ear seen, and it was obvious that Hoseok let Taehyung pick the decorations and such.

Anyway, I got home and immediately started looking over the facts of the case again:

Min Yoongi - Unknown Age and Race
Takes the form of a twenty-five year old male
Has been terrorizing Seoul for twenty to twenty-five years now
Currently blonde, but dyes hair frequently
Height - 5'9"

I searched him and found another article front yesterday saying he had claimed another victim.

'Dammit, I need to hurry up and find this son of a bitch.' I thought while reading it. He seems to have a pattern. They are all younger people around late teens to early twenties.

Meaning I fit the bill. If I could just pique his interest somehow.

I called my friend, Jungkook.

"Jungkook, if you had to lure a serial killer basically to your doorstep, how would you do it?" I asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"One, why the hell would I want to do that? Two, why the hell are you asking? And three, are you trying to make me fucking murder you?" he asked in a groggy voice. Guessing I woke him up.

"Look, I'm sorry I woke you up. It's just, I got the case and I might need help luring the guy out. I mean I fit his pattern, I just need him to target me." I quickly explained.

"Wait, you got the case?!" he shouted into the phone. "That's awesome, dude, congrats."

"Thanks, I meant to tell you sooner, but Hoseok and Taehyung had their wedding earlier, so I couldn't really communicate with anyone. You know how Taehyung is."

"Yeah, yeah, I do." he sounded like he was spacing out.

"Jungkook, you have to let that go. But anyway, how would you lure a serial killer to you doorstep?" I asked again.

"Like I already said, I wouldn't. But you might want to like get lost in some back alley, or something. That's normally where those creeps hang out and find their victims." he said. "Act like you're drunk when you do it though."


"Just do it. It'll work." he said and hung up.

"Well, that was helpful." I said sarcastically to myself. Though Jungkook did have a good idea. Act drunk, huh? Alright, I think I can get him to target me tomorrow.

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