Chapter 18

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Jimin's Point of View

"There you are." Taehyung said, running up to me and handing me a file. "I know you hate partners, but I'm going with you in this one." he told me. I just looked at him in shock. Normally all he does is paperwork and put cases together for the rest of us to work on.

"Is it that bad?" I asked.

"Yes. The bastard killed someone this morning, then tried to get Hoseok afterwards. I'm beyond passed and this guy made it personal." he said, a terrifying glint in his eyes.

"Understood, sir. Should we go then?, I asked, walking right back out of the building and into the car that we were taking.

"Yep, read on the way there. I'll let you know when you need to keep a look out?" he sajd, starting the car and peeling out of the parking lot.

Name -- Unknown
Age and Race -- Caucasian Male in Mid-Late Twenties
Crime -- Murder of Innocent Civilians
Height -- Unknown but over six foot
Brown Hair

I read through the facts a couple of times before I looked over at Taehyung. He had a serious expression on his face.

"Taehyung, we don't have any substantial facts about the guy." I said carefully.

"Here's the camera footage from where he was seen killing that other guy. There is also carema footage of him attacking Hoseok." he said, his voice hard, and he handed me the tapes. I put then in the portable VCR player we had. The guy was clearly in his twenties and had brown hair.

Towards the end of the video, he looked at the camera and winked, as well as said something.

"Is there any sound?" I asked.

"I think, I'm not sure though." Taehyung answered. I grabbed my headphones and listened to the tape. You could hear the other guy screaming in pain.

"I know who you are Jimin, I know who your friends are. I know you're with Min Yoongi and that you have caused him to stop his mayhem, so I will pick up where he left off. And you'll never see me coming." he sajd and winked avajn before he shot the camera, making it go dead.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Taehyung asked. I had chunked the player and was sitting in the sear, shaking like a scared dog.

"Y-yeah. I'm o-okay. I'm just a l-little shaken up." I answrted, trying to get my shaking under control. "T-Taehyung, can I make a quick call?" I asked.

"Of course, but make sure you keep an eye out." he said.

I pulled d out my phone and immediately called Yoongi.

"Jimin, what is it?"

"Babe, the guy that I told you about earlier knows about us. And he said he was going to pick up where you left off and that I won't see him coming. You've run in those kinds of circles, do you think you might know who it was?" I wdkrd, making sure not use his name.

"What? Dammit, what did he look like?" he asked, I could hear the panic in his voice.

"He couldn't have been out of his twenties yet and he had brown hair, but that's all we could catch on video." I told him. I glanced at Taehyung out of the corner of my eye, he was giving me a soft smile.

"That sounds like Jackson. Keep a serious eye out for him. He want hesitate to kill anything. Whether its alive or not. He must be upset that I left the 'circle' as you put it."

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