Chapter 4

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Yoongi's POV

I fucking hate humans. I almost had that damn cop, but his little friend had to show up and save the day. And other than that, when I chloroformed the bitch, I almost lost consciousness as well.

"Seokjin, I have a question for you." I yelled as I entered his house. I walked up the stairs and heard groans and such noises coming from his room. "Never mind, I'll ask you later!" I yelled and left his house again.

I really want to know how the hell that guy was connected to me. I got all the way to my house and sat on my sofa. I was drifting off, thinking of the Park Jimin, when my phone rang.

"Min Yoongi, what the hell do you want?" I answered.

"You need to learn to look at your caller ID, because you talk to me like that one more time and you won't have to worry about that cop guy. I'll turn you in myself. I'm your hyung. You need to show me respect--" blah blah blah, nag nag nag. Seokjin was on the other line.

"I'm sorry, hyung, what did you need?" I said in defeat. I was planning on ignoring him until he shut up, but he wasn't going to.

"I was calling to ask you why you barged into my house, announced you had a question, then left." he replied.

"Well, I certainly wasn't going to talk to you through the door while you and Namjoon were having sex. And I definitely wasn't going to wait in your living room." I said, shivering at the thought of having to do such things.

"So, what was your question?" he asked.

"Do you know how a Park Jimin is connected to me?"


"Because when I chloroformed his ass last night, I almost went unconscious."

"Ok, I'll look into it and let you know later." he said. "Stop it." he moaned to Namjoon.

"Yep, and that's my cue to get off the phone with you. Bye hyung." I said, hanging up the phone and laying back down on my sofa.

Just as I was getting comfortable and starting to drift off again, my phone rang again. Why the hell was I so popular today? I thought people were supposed to avoid and hate serial killers.

"Min Yoongi, what the hell do you want?" I answered.

"Dude, you need to do something about your problem."

"What problem, and who the hell is this?"

"This is Hoseok. Remember we were friends in high school and college." the guy on the other end replied.

"Oh, yeah, Hoseok. But once again, what problem?" I asked.

"Your Jimin problem. I hate having to warn you about this. But he's good. He always solved the case he's given. Be careful." he warned.

"How do you know about my, as you put it, 'Jimin problem'?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"Because I just married his boss a couple of days ago. And his boss tells me almost everything about what's going on at the Bureau."

"The Bureau?" I asked. I had the FBI after me?

"Yes, the Bureau, as in the FBI. As in you need to start watching your ass or it will be in jail. And dammit, I don't want to see you in jail." he said.

"Ok. Thanks for the warning."

"I'm serious, Yoongi. Be careful."

"I will."

"Ok, bye."

"Hey, we should hang out again sometime." I offered.

"Yeah, this is my cell number if you want to talk or meet up any time." he replied. "But I really need to get off here. My husband is almost home."

"Ok, bye. See you when I see you." I said.

"Alright, bye." he said and hung up.

I had to fucking FBI after my ass?!

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