Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV

We ate for a little bit, then decided to walk around for a bit, to let our food settle. We walked from the restaraunt to the bridge that was near it. It was a beautiful sight, the moon was just coming up over the water and the water was so still that you could see an unwavering reflection in it.

"This is beautiful." I whispered, not sure if Yoongi heard me or not.

"Just like you." he whispered back.

I looked at him and he was already looking at me. He moved closer and wrapped an arm around my waist and cupped my cheek with his other hand. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. I felt sparks. No that's not the right comparison. It was more like fireworks going off in my head.

He pulled back as though he'd been burned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." he said quickly.

"It's fine. I was okay with it." I said, looking down and blushing.
He gently pulled my head back up to face him. He gently pushed his lips to mine. It was a bit more than the brush a minute ago, and I was actually able to respond to this one.

I put one of my arms around his neck and put my other hand on top of his hand that was in my cheek.

He pulled back when we ran out of breath, then went back for more. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, but I denied him. As much as I liked him, I don't want anyone's tongue but my own in my mouth.

I pulled away this time. "Maybe we should head back. I have to be at work early tomorrow." I breathed out.

"Yeah. I would offer you a ride to work, but you know..." he drifted off.

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry about it." I said, slightly stepping away from him.

"Do you want to do this again sometime?" he asked.

"Maybe." I teased.

"Don't do what you did this time and say that then leave me hanging for weeks." he said.

"Ok. We should hang out again, though I don't know when. I have your case and another one that I'm working on. And I'm just kind of overwhelmed right now. I don't know when I'll be free again." I replied, grabbing his hand and starting to head back to the restaraunt where his car was.

"I would ask if you wanted help, but I don't think I could be much help. I wouldn't know the first thing about what to do." he said.

"It's fine. I think I'm going to just set your case to the side for a while and focus on my other work." I told him, smiling back at him.

"Well that's a relief. Now I won't have to constantly worry about you turning me in to the authorities." he joked.

"I wouldn't do that to you. Especially not after tonight." I said, reaching the car. He opened the door for me again and walked around to get in the driver's side and headed back to my place.

He held his hand over the center console again, and this time, I didn't hesitate to intertwined my fingerswith him. His hands were surprisingly soft.

He pulled up to my house, got out, and walked me to my door.

"You're being awful gentlemanly tonight. What happened to the Min Yoongi that I talk to on the phone every night?" I asked, teasing him.

He smirked at me "You don't get to see me without my gentleman front until you're sure you want to be with me." he said, the leaned in to kiss me. I responded and tangled one of my hands in his hair.

Am I really kissing Min Yoongi?

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