Chapter 17

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Jimin's Point of View

When I came too, I was in my bedroom with a warmth surrounding me. I moved around wondering why it was so warm, then I remembered that me and Yoongi went on a date last night and I said as to him. I squealed and started to move around even more. Doing a miniature happy dance in my bed.

"Baby, why are you moving around so much?" I heard someone's voice ask from behind me. I turned around really quickly, feeling a pain shoot up my neck. I groaned and grabbed my neck as I turned around and found Yoongi laying next to me.

"Sorry, I had remembered what happened last night and got really happy." I said, snuggling into his chest.

"Really now?" he asked. "So how does is feel to be my boyfriend?" he teased.

"Amazing. I've been wondering what we were. I was talking to Taehyung and he kept telling me that we were already dating, but I'm a traditional person, so I'm glad you finally asked." I smiled up at him, then kissed him.

"I'm just glad I was able to pull that off and have you say yes. I've been wanting to become official for about a week. I just didn't know how to ask." he chuckled, and kissed me again.

Ring ring

My phone rang and I wanted to ignore it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I looked at the caller ID. It was Tae.

"Yoongi, please be quiet, I have to take this." I said, pressing the answer button. "Park Jimin, how may I help you?" I asked.

"How can you be so polite so early in the morning?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, what were you calling for?"

"Oh, we need you here, like, right now. We need to fill you in and you need to get to work. Someone was caught, on camera, killing someone this morning and we need you here." he said in a rush.

I jumped out of bed and began to put my uniform on. "Right, I am on my way. I will be there in just a few minutes." I told him and hung up. I continued to jump through myself to get my uniform on.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked, sitting up.

"Someone killed someone else this morning and I have to go. I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm afoot and I needed to be at the Bureau like ten minutes ago, but do you think you could give me a ride? I promise know o one will see you. You can drop me off across the street if you need to."

"Calm down, babe. Of course I'll giveyou a ride, but I will probably drop you off across the street." he said, agreeing.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem."

He grabbed a shirt and we ran out the door and into his car. He drove me to the building across from the Bureau and stopped. I leaned over and landed a chaste kiss on his lips. "Thank you." I muttered and ran out of the car.

"Be safe!" he yelled before he drove off.

"I'll try." I muttered under m breath since he was already out of sight.

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