Chapter 7

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Jimin's POV

I hurried to get hone so that so I would have the most time possible to get ready for my date with Yoongi. I normally get home around 6:45 but today I managed to get home at 6:15. I ran in my house, set everything in my hands down on my dining table and ran to my room. I jumped in the shower and washed myself really well, using myself good soap. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around my waist when I heard my doorbell ring.

I glanced at the clock, it was 7:03 he shouldn't be here yet. I answered the door, forgetting that I was in nothing but a towel.

"Damn, I can see why he's so hung up on you." someone said, checking me out.

"Who are you and who are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm talking about Yoongi, and I'm Seokjin. I'm one of his friends. He told me about your date and I decided that I was going to come over here and help you get ready for it." he said, sliding past me.

"Seokjin? As in Kim Seokjin?" I asked.

"In the flesh." he smiled at me.

"Oh lord, I'm gonna die." I whined.

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm a FBI agent that is fixing to go in a date with a serial killer and I just let another criminal into my house. Eventually I'm gonna have Namjoon waltzing in here and slicing my throat open." I complained.

"He wouldn't do that. He's actually really gently. Well, except in the bed. Then he's kinda rough." he suddenly said.

'Oh my goodness. I forgot that Seokjin and Namjoon were married.' I thought.

"Anyway, where's your room and your closet? I need to make you look irresistible tonight. Yoongi won't be able to keep his hands off, I promise." he said with a wink.

I led the way to my room and grabbed a pair of boxers. I slid them on while keeping my towel around my waist and sat on the bed.

He picked me out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. "I know it looks simple, but trust me, I'm going to make you look hotter than you already do."

"Ok..." I said, still unsure about everything that's happening.

I put on the clothes and he made me sit on the toilet with my back to him.

"Is this the part where where you slit my throat?" I asked, tilting my head back.

"No, this is where I blowdry out hair and make it look slightly like bedhead so that Yoongi has to do a double take and finds you sexy as hell." he replied.

I sat there for what felt Luke forever before he was finally done. "Now, run a hand through your hair." he commanded and I did. He turned me around and looked at me. "If I wasn't with Namjoon, I'd definitely take you right here, right now." he said.

I was shocked to say the least. I looked in the mirror and had to admit that I looked hot.

I heard my doorbell ring, I looked at my clock, 8:00. 'Fuck, I'm not ready. I mean physically I am, but not mentally.' I thought to myself.

"Don't stress about anything. Just act like he's just a guy you like." Seokjin said from behind me, pushing me out of the bathroom to go answer to door.

I answered it and Yoongi was standing there with a single black rose. He still hadn't looked up at me.

"I figured since I got your bouquet a couple weeks ago, a single flower would wor-- Damn, apparently I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I asked you on a date." he said, handing me the rose.

I gestured for him to come in. "What do you mean by that?"

"I didn't know that you would look like this." he said.

"Is it bad? Do need to go change?" I asked, worried he didn't like it.

"No, no. Definitely not bad. And you certainly do not need to change." he said, walking closer. "I like it. Its definitely better than your uniform. You look hot." he whispered into my ear after wrapping his arms around me.

I was a little conscious about him having him arms wrapped around me because the last time he did, he chloroformed me.

"I told you he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off." I heard Seokjin yell from down the hall where he stood.

"Jin, what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked.

"Young man, if I have to tell you one more time that I am your hyung you will not have to worry about that sexy little thing you're holding, because I will make it to where no one ever sees you again. And it really don't want to do that, because it would upset Jimin and I don't want to upset him, because he could put me in jail. And we both know that I'd get murdered in jail because them people are the for real shits and I'm not going to even look at the with ten foot pole." Seokjin began to nag and nag at Yoongi bit was actually kind of funny because it seemed like it was really affecting Yoongi.

I opened my mouth to say something hut Yoongi cut me off. "Don't you dare say it. It'll make him go off on you." he whispered to me.

But I said it anyway." Seokjin, please calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down? You want me to calm down? I am tired of the disrespect that I always receive from him and don't you stand there and defend him. You don't know the shit he's put me through and everything else. Don't get me started on--"

"If you don't stop, I will have to forcibly remove you from my house." I pretty much ordered.

"Jimin." Yoongi warned.

"Ok, go on your date. Have fun. Be safe. I got you when you get back Yoongi." he said, then left.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, looking up at him.

"That was Seokjin losing his shit. Now come on, it's dinner time and I'm hungry." he whined, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my house.

He opened my car door and let me get in before getting on the driver's side. Then he drove us,to whatever restaraunt we were going to.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just somewhere I go often. I have a feeling that you're going to love their food." he replied, being vague. He reached one hand over the center console and held it out to me. I debated for a minute and as he was starting to retract it, I intertwined my fingers with his. He looked over and smiled at me before turning his attention back to the road.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance, Jimin." he randomly said.

"Well, it's not everyday that your would be kidnapper asks you a date. And you don't seem like a bad guy." I said, joking about the first part, but not the second. He was genuinely a good guy, he just did bad things. You know, things like, kill people. But that doesn't change who he is on the inside. And since we started talking, I haven't heard anything about him from the news or the paper. It's a nice change.

"Well, it's not everyday that an FBI agent agrees to a date with a serial killer." he shot back, laughing.

"True, true." I said as he pulled into a parking lot and stopped the car.

"You brought me to Yang's?" I asked happily. I've been meaning to visit this place, but with all my work piling up on me, I haven't really had any time to do anything besides work and sleep.

"Yeah. I take it as you like it?" he asked, acting shy all od the sudden.

"Of course. I've actually been meaning to come here, but haven't been able to. So thank you." I replied, hugging him. Which surprised both of us.

"Well, come on, let's go get a table?" he said, dragging me into the restaraunt.

Am I really on a date with a serial killer?

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