Chapter 19

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Yoongi's POV
After we hung up, I didn't expect another call from Jimin so soon.

"Jimin?" I asked when I picked up the phone.

"Did you hear me? No one's going to be able to save you. Did you call Yoongi? We need him here so that we can get started on the fun." I heard Jackson's voice say from the other line, slowly getting louder.

"Fuck, Jimin, are you okay?" I asked, louder this time.

"You think you can hurt me?" I heard Jimin ask. Dammit, don't piss him off. By now I had realized what Jimin had done. He called me and out his phone in his pocket so that I could hear what was going on.

"No, I don't think, I know." Jackson said.

"Seokjin-hyung, please, I need you to track this call." I asked him desperately.

"It's Jimin's call. Do you not trust him or something?" Seokjin asked before he started on tracking it.

"It's not that. It's the fact that he's probably standing face-to-face with Jackson and is about to be murdered that has me worried." I responded.

"Fuck, okay. He's at the old warehouse district, ariubd warehouse 7." he told me.

"Thank you hyung." I yelled as I ran out of the house and jumped in my car. I high-tailed it to the warehouse district and parked my car near the car thug was already there. I'm guessing that it's the Bureau's car.

I climbed up on top of the warehouses to get a better look and saw Jimin standing there, facing Jackson, with his gun held up. He lifted his shoulder to listen to whatever was coming from his walkie and started to take small steps back.

At the same time that he did this, Jackson lunged for him. As he lunged for jomjn, I lunged for him and tackled him to the ground. I stoodup and quickly made my way over to Jimin. "Jimin, I need you to get out of here. Take Taehyung and leave. I will see you back at your house." I told him.

"No, I'm not leaving you to fight him be yourself." he said firmly.

"Baby, please." I asked, my eyes begging.

"I can't, Yoongi, I don't want you to get hurt. I need to be here so that Ian help you." he stated,his voice once again firm.

"You can help me by leacibg and not getting in the way." I growled at him. I didn't want to be mean to him but I had to have him leave.


"Look, I love you too much to see you get hurt, now please leave." I said, surprising myself with my choice of words. I didn't have much time to think before Jackson was back on his feet again and came barreling after me. I turned around quickly and caught him by the throat.

"Did you lay a hand on Jimin?" I asked, my voice dangerously low.
"No, you stopped me before I could." he said, starting to gasp for breath.

"Good, now tell me what's stopping me Fran handing you over to then to be out behind bars?" I asked, a twisted smile on my face.

"The fact that you're not behind bars yet." he said. "You've done worse than I have and you're still out here."

"I didn't attack the head of the FBI's husband. I didn't try to attack Min Yoongi's boyfriend." I sajd, quietly to where only he could hear me. "Jimin." I called.

"Yes?" he asked, walking closer to me.

"Do you have your handcuffs?" I asked him. "Because I am holding a criminal that needs to be out behind bars."

"Right." he walked around behind Jackson and grabbed his arms, cuffing him. "You ha the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court if law. You have the right to speak town attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning." he sajd, reading off Jackson's rights as he and Taehyung grabbed the guy from my hands. Taehyung was looking at me with a weird expression that I couldn't read.

"Thank you for saving Jimin, and for catching the guy." he said curtly and walked away. I walked after them and walked Jimin to his car.

"I'm guessing since your partner already saw me and heard me call you my boyfriend, I can go ahead and do this before you leave." I said before I leaned down and captured Jimin's lips with mine.

He pulled away a few seconds. "Actually that's not really my partner, that's my boss." he said softly, pecking my lips one more time before he got in the car.

'Fuck.' I thought.

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