Ch 1- You x Gizmo meet Randy Peltzer

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Your POV

You and Gizmo were very close friends since youse  met. The two of you thought you were the only ones of your kind. On your right ear you wore a lotus flower, which suits your  (f/c) fur.

Right now you two were snuggling in a dark box , holding hands until you guys heard voices. And you felt someone carrying the box you're in and set it down.

The lid was now open, so now you and Gizmo started to peak through. Yours and Gizmo's eyes and smiles were absolutely cute.. Then you guys let out the cutest giggles while holding hands.

Randy Peltzer- _ ( delighted and surprised )  What are they ?

Mr. Wing-  they're called Mogwai.

Y/n- ( smiles ) Mogwai !

Mr. Wing- They are very rare and intelligent animals. ( points to Gizmo ) I found that one in the fields. ( points to you ) and I found her, the female, in the Sakura trees , where she was singing beautifully.

At this point , Randy saw you and Gizmo cuddling together humming. Made him smile.

Mr. Wing- As soon as these two met. They've been in love. And they will obey all orders.

Y/n- ( nods in agreement ) m-hm.

Mr. Wing-  They learn fast ( clasps his hands and speaks chinese )

Immediately, you and and Gizmo jumped out of the crate ,onto the floor. Gizmo removes raw tuna from the crate, you tear off a chunk of fish , and carried it to Mr. Wing.. Mr. Wing takes a bite out of his raw fish as the juice comes down his chin as he turns to Randy and smiles.

Mr. Wing- and if you are in ever a need of the song ... ( claps his hands and speaks japanese )

Then y/n and Gizmo began to sing beautifully. An unearthly falsetto . you two looked at each other in delight . Randy's eyes widened at this, he ft like a kid again.

Rany- How much ?

Mr. Wing- One hundred American dollars. Cash

Randy removes five twenties from his wallet and gave them to Mr. Wing. He smiles and claps his hands as Gizmo jumps onto his left shoulder and you on the right one. Rand pets Gizmo as you and him giggle .

Mr. Wing- They never sleep. They will eat anything. They prefer raw meat. They must always be kept indoors during then day. They live in the shadows. They hate bright light. Direct sunlight will kill them.

Randy nods .  he puts the two mogwai into the box under his arm. Mr. Wing smiles.

Mr. Wing- your son will enjoy his new friends.

Randy smiles and exits with the two mogwai. Mr. Wing then took another bite of the raw tuna.

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