Ch 8- Cocoons ? Oh God !

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The next morning, Gizmo and Y/n look scared as they saw the 4 cocoons all across the floor.

Billy- Mom ! Could you come up here please ? Then I want you to bring up the vacuum cleaner upstairs for me .

As Lynn comes upstairs, she spots the cocoons. Her face was aghast and filled with repulsiveness .

Lynn- What are they ?

Billy- Well, they're mogwai. I guess. Except for Gizmo and Y/n .

Gizmo whines in concern as y/n hugs him tightly, also scared.

Lynn- Did you get them wet ? Did you feed them after midnight ?

Billy- Well, I gave them some chicken. But I made sure that--

Billy looks at his clock to see the same time from last night. He goes over to the night stand and sees the plug to the clock was chewed off.

Billy- No,no,no. I made sure... Mom ? What's going on here ?

At Hanson's class....

Pete, Billy, and Hanson looked at the cage. There was also a cocoon. Hanson was picking at some of the bars from the cage that was stuck on it.

Pete-  what'd you say it was called ? A putrid stage ?

Hanson- Pupal. Pupal stage.

Pete- Like a butterfly.

Billy- Yeah right.

Hanson-  This is a cocoon and inside, he's going through changes . LOTS of changes.

Pete- Like my mother.

Hanson- No this is different. This is called a metamorphosis. It's a change of form and...And in appearance !

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