Ch 10- Kitchen War/ Stripe escapes

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Your POV ....

Stripe took me into the living room. Where the other gremlin was hanging onto the tree.

Stripe- ( whispers ) ok, hide in the tree and as soon as the woman comes, tackle her while you're in the tree.

Gremlin- Got it

Stripe- Ok.

Then Stripe hid in a box. He had both of his arms on me now. One, tightly around my torso, and the other clamped onto my mouth, to prevent me from making noises. I struggle to get out and warn Lynn but it was no use..

Stripe- Alright, beautiful. I'ma need you to be quiet for me, ok ?

With Lynn....

Lynn grabs a knife and headed towards the kitchen . She sees a gremlin eating one of her gingerbread cookies. Green frosting was all over his face. He senses something. He looks back behind him. Lynn quickly hid. Then he turned around and started to eat all of the batter. This gave Lynn the opportunity to turn on the switch , which turns the mixer on, killing the gremlin in the process.

Then there was another gremlin who's now throwing plates at her but shields herself with a mini table.

Lynn- Get out of my kitchen !!

As she got closer enough, she stabs the gremlin two times.

Then there was a 3rd gremlin who was behind her, she quickly found a nearby spray and started spraying it all over his face, making him back up . then Lynn pushes him into the microwave and turned it on. After a few seconds, the gremlin exploded.

Then she heard noises in the living room and started heading there.

She looks around until she saw something moving in a stocking . she goes to it and pulls it off the top of the fireplace. It was a toy robot that was moving.

Lynn backs up near the tree , the gremlin tackled her down, along with the tree.

Your POV...

I was now hearing screaming and cackling  . Stripe lets go of my mouth and used that hand to open the box up a little bit and saw what was going on.

The christmas tree gremlin was strangling Lynn with streamers . Billy who rushed in on time grabbed a fire iron and sneak attacks the gremlin by decapitating it's head off as it landed in a fire.

Stripe covers my mouth back up with his hand and sneaks towards the window.

Billy- are you alright ?

Lynn- I guess so.

Then they turned around to see Stripe near the window, holding me captive.

Billy- Mom, it's Stripe ! He has Y/n !

Stripe then wiped his tears with his free hand and broke through the window, leaving while cackling.

Time skip...

Billy rings the doorbell. The door opens to see a man.

Billy- Hello, Dr. Molinaro ? Can we come in ?

Lynn and Billy enter

Billy- Mom's had a bit of an accident.

Lynn- Billy, be careful.

Molinaro- what happened ?

Billy kisses his mom's cheek and runs off.

As Billy came.back into his house, hears Gizmo's chittering.

Billy- Giz ?

He opens up the chute and finds him but accidentally turns on the light.

Gizmo- Bright light ! Bright light !

Billy- ( turns it off ) Sorry. Come here. They almost got you huh ?

Gizmo- Wh-where's Y/n ? Is she okay ?

Billy- She's taken by Stripe.

Gizmo gasps and his face becomes enraged.

Billy- Climb in here.

Gizmo climbs into the backpack .

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