Ch 2- What does Mogwai mean ?

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Right now, Randy, Gizmo, and y/n were at the international Hong Kong airport. Randy was on the phone talking to someone. Gizmo and y/n were in a plastic box. Y/n was sleeping as Gizmo caressed her head and purrs

Randy ( on phone )- Yes , Fred. The Tai-Chan account is definite.Mmm-hmmm . My plane leaves in 20 minutes. See you in Pennsylvania.

Hangs up. He then picks up his bags and walked up to the check-in counter.

Then the check-in girl tags the mogwai's box and puts it in the conveyer belt. Randy watches the box disappear through the baggage chute.

Check-in girl- ( smiles ) Don't worry, sir. Your pet will be safe.

Randy smiles.

20 minutes later....

The plane Randy's in, is flying.

Randy's now eating his airport dinner until a stewardess came up and refilled his coffee. Randy looks at her . She stares at the word ' Mogwai '

Randy- What does it mean ?

Stewardess- Devil. ( moves to the next passenger. )

All Randy could do is stare in surprise and confusion.

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