Me x And x Him (Rewritten)

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A fresh cooling sensation of water engulfs my entire body sending a refreshing yet ill shiver throughout my spine making me wake in terror. Without thinking, I breathe in the thick water instantly suffocating myself as the water finds its way to rush down my throat and up my nostrils. I tried ascending from underneath, but I was held down by muscular hands that were fixated on me keeping me from breathing the sweetness of the oxygen above as I started to slowly lose consciousness and fall into an abyss of darkness.

With the little strength I had, I begin to frantically move my arms and legs feeling undeniable dread that this could be the end of me. What was happening to body? In the moment of panic, I haven't realized exactly how I was being held underwater but as I scrummage around in the water splashing, trying to cling onto what little time I had left, I realized someone held me under.  It was those guys! They found me and now, they were going to kill me for saving her... I squeezed onto the person's arms and...I stopped.

I saw no reason any more to try to get out of this. I mean, I couldn't get out of this. I was trapped and drowning slowly and so...meaningless. Of all the ways I could have left this dammed world it was this way. This lame, boring, and shitty way. I was just suffocating, no fighting involved, no weapons...just swimming...just floating. I was being to feel faint. So much water had now found its way inside of me that my vision became so blurry that I soon begin to imagine things such as the fish swimming around me.

But not just regular fish. They were Inferno. The fish looked like they swam straight out of Hell and into our waters. They weren't harmful, they weren't evil, it was just their appearance. The way the fish would tempt you with its hellfire colors of orange and red, and sparkling diamond scales. The way the fish felt against your skin... It was heavenly but the most sinister feeling of heaven you could ever imagine.

These fish were only found on my island, so what were they doing here? Or maybe they were found in other places as well. I wouldn't know, since I've never been outside home anyway... An Inferno completion and dead, empty hollowed eyes...would that how ill soon look? I'm near death, I guess I'll find out soon.

As the last of my strange leaves my body, I laid still, and with my fingers still gripping around my killer's hands, I began to inhale a large sum of water in my lungs until I couldn't feel it anymore. That sensation to breathe.  I wanted to stop the suffering. Somehow my lips managed to twitch into a small smile as the last of my breath began to leave my body. What a sad and pathetic way to go.

As my hands finally let go of my killer and my mind began to silence...I'm suddenly pulled with abnormal force towards the surface by the very same person who was holding me underwater. Half concision, I tried moving my body but I couldn't it was like I had sleep paralysis. Not a single muscle in my body twisted in response to what my brain was ordering it to do. And that alone scared me way more than the thought of dying.

"Hikari! Wake up!" A strange yet familiar male voice yelled as he shook my body for a moment then laid me back as he pumped my chest softly counting to himself. "I...I barely held you under. Dammit, I told you not to go in there...". For a few seconds, the guy seemed to stop. I wondered what was happening, but that questioned was soon answered as I felt cold yet soft lips pressed against mine pumping my body with air. Air...Why was this person blowing life inside me? I was unconscious, I wasn't dead! I could hear him, I could feel him, I could feel this damn cold wind blowing against my skin causing me to shiver. I was awake! I am—

"Gah!" I screamed as my body thrust forward as if I was just elected and brought to life. I felt a burning sensation coming from my nose and throat as my eyes adjusted to the view around me. The brightness the sun brought, the trees, the animals, the...Hisoka.

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