Chapter 5

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"Anyone ready for breakfast?" Jack Kept poking my face to get my attention.

I look up at him, "I'll only say yes if you shut your mouth and stop touching my face." I close my eyes and hide my face under a pillow.


"I'll have some breakfast too!" Finn calls out to Jack.

"Wasn't going to let you starve." he laughs then heads out to cook some food that Finn had packed for the trip.

It was only Finn and me in the tent, "Y/n?" He taps my shoulder, It's a habit that he has had since we were in  elementary.


"You awake?"

I turn to face him and give him a huge toothy grin, "NO!" he looks at me with his eyes bugging out.

"Holy sh-."

"Lets not finish that sentence."

"Oh Jeez, we are going to need at least 2 gallons of hairspray to tame that lion mane." he gave me a look of sympathy.

"Shut your mouth Wolfhard!"

He stifled a laugh, "Whatever you say princess..." he walks out of the tent leaving me alone with blankets and sleeping bags.

After getting dressed and putting my hair into a ponytail I walked out joining the boys for breakfast, "Look who finally tamed her hair and showed up for breakfast." Jack giggles at Finn's remark as if he were a little school girl.

"Har har very funny." I look around and capture this perfect moment, me with my closest friends, and a pretty view that I wish I could see every morning.

We ate our food in silence so we could hear the birds sing, "How you liking your oatmeal?" Jack asks.

"You did an amazing job chef, Keep it up Jack and you could be great one day." He smiles with pride.

After sitting around for a couple hours we were ready to go. "Well lets get going guys." Finn had already packed the tent and Jack packed all our all our blankets. We all put our backpacks over our shoulders and were ready to for our trip home. The sun was out making everything happy and hopeful. I have not felt at peace for so long and now I get that feeling once again. With Finn back home, Mom not being so stressed, and beginning a new friendship with Jack made me feel like I was on top of the world.

"What you thinking about?" Finn asks.

I lost my train of thought, "Oh um nothing, just thinking about the amount of chores I'll be needing to do."

"Oh you looked like you had something to say."

"Yea, When you get lost in your thoughts you do this thing where you face scrunches up!" Jack laughs.

The walk didn't take to long, "We're at the fields." I announce.

"Come over sometime." Finn says.

"It would be awesome to have you over Jack!" 

"I'll ride my bike over to your guys neighborhood." We say our goodbyes then leave Jack on his own.

Finn kept on going off about how fun it was to see his old friends again. He looked at me then asks, "Did you enjoy the trip?"

"Is that even a question? Uh yea it was lit!"

"Glad to hear." the walk back home was filled with our chatter.

"Text me later!" yells Finn.

"I will as soon as I can!" without saying anything else I unpack my stuff from the wagon and drug it into the house, looking out one last time then shutting the door.

if only hearts could talk ➻ finn wolfhardNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ