Chapter 6

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Frog Face: You awake? 9:08pm

Raccoon: Yes 9:09pm

Racoon: May I ask why you are asking? 9:10pm

Frog Face: You didn't text me like you promised 9:11pm

Raccoon: Sorry 9:11pm

Raccoon: Fell asleep and had to do chores 9:12pm

Frog Face: Oh okay 9:15pm

Raccoon: I had to make up for the day I was gone 9:20pm

Frog Face: Are you going to stay up? 9:21pm

Raccoon: Yea I guess 9:22pm

Frog Face: cool 9:22pm

Frog Face: Well I bought some Pizza and need someone to share it with :) 9:24pm

Raccoon: Dude! 9:25pm

Raccoon: You know how to get me to come over 9:26pm

Raccoon: Omw 9:26pm

I looked around the house checking to see if everyone was to busy to notice I had left the house. My brothers were in the living room playing on the Xbox1 yelling into their headphones. I went to the next room and my mother was on the bed eyes closed. I slowly walk into the room and cover her with a blanket and left the music playing. She always fell asleep listening to Ed Sheeren. Perfect! I ran back to my room and locked the door before jumping out the window. A minute later I was at Finn's window.

Raccoon: Open your window 9:38pm

He slowly opened his window so it wouldn't make noise, "Finally you're here. What took you so long?" Finn complained.

"Bro it's only been 10 minutes stop your whining."

"Still it felt like forever."

I look around, " Wheres the Pizza?" Food was the only thing on my mind. He rolled his eyes and walked over to his computer desk.

"Here you go you animal!"

"Don't judge... If I had to choose between you and Pizza, lets be honest here... It would be the freakin pizza!" 

He playfully shoves me, "Whatever." we sat down on his bed and ate the peperoni pizza.

I shove a piece of pizza in my mouth, "Truth hurts sometimes." time had gone by fast, it was now 12:07. We had finished a box of pizza, drank Dr. Pepper, and I finsihed off his easter candy."

"How is it that my best friend can out eat a pro athlete?" 

"We will never know." I shrug and we both laugh. 

"Okay lets talk serious for a moment."

"Shouldn't I be getting home?"

"No!" He says without even thinking before he opened his mouth.

"It's getting late." I whine.

His face lit up, "Stay the night, just text your mom and tell her your so when she wakes up she doesn't have an anerism and think your dead." good sugestion I thought.

I grab my phone, "Fine." I text her then set it down.

"As I was saying..." 

Changing the subject I ask, "Shouldn't you tell your mother?"

"You're right! I'll be back." he runs downstairs to tell his parents that I was staying the night. Saved me a few minutes, I knew what was coming. I hear his footsteps getting closer then the door swings open.

"Okay now lets talk."


He looks me in the eye, "We have to be honest though." well darn I thought.

"Do I lie?" 

"Uh yes." he says honestly.

I sat there waiting for him to bring up the subject... The one that I didn't ever want to have, "This is an awkward conversation we are about to have, but it needs to happen. Last night Jack and I had a talk. Anyways we ended up talking about you... What I'm trying to say is do you like me?"

I put my poker face on, "What?'

"You heard me." He crosses his arms showing me that he was serious.

"Stop being a Smart ass."

"You have to be truthful." He warns, he looked at me with his brown  eyes and that did it.

I spilled my heart out to him, "I really didn't want you to know. You like Millie so I played it off and acted like I didn't like you so nobody wouldn't know. You're my best friend and I didn't want that to change. And now you know, So theres no reason to hide it."

"Oh." is all he says, I give him  an intensive glare that made him uncomfortable.

"OH. MY. LORD. I just spilled my heart out to you and all I get is an Oh? An Oh?"

I-I'm sorry."

Instead of looking at Finn I face his wall of posters, "You better be sorry." He taps my shoulder.

"Y/n noooooooo." I didn't say a word to him, "Fine I'll just annoy you until you pay attention to me." He grabs a strand of my hair and says my name over and over again.

"Fine Just stop!" he gave me a small smile.

"Haha got you to not be mad at me."

I roll my eyes, "Don't get to excited Wolfhard." He frowns.

"I'll Just have to use my superpowers on you!" After awhile I fell asleep not remembering the last thing I said to him.

if only hearts could talk ➻ finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now