Chapter 15

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I walked down the old hallways of the old high school. Instead of Finn by my side, I have Evelin by my side. She couldn't stop ranting about Wyatt, which is a friend of Finn's. She was head over heals for him and I would tell Finn all about it when we FaceTimed every night.

"Like how could his noodles be so perfect?!" She kept on talking and I would just nod and smile.

"What would you do if I found a way for you to meet Wyatt? Would you shut up about him?" I laugh and shove her playfully.

She stops in her track mouth wide open, "Can you really do that for me?" I do another one of my nods that was now just killing my neck.

 After another day of hard work Evelin and I walk to my house to go and hangout for awhile. We went through my bedroom window because I forgot my house key for the millionth time. She sat on my bed with her homework sprawled across the navy blue bedspread. Her eyebrows scrunched  together making it look like one. She was concentrated with her Algebra so I let her be and busied myself by pacing back and forth and spamming Finn's Instagram with memes and jokes that only we get. The ones that make you laugh out loud and others don't find it funny. I stop in my tracks and look up from my phone, "Evelin? Promise me you wont freak out to much when I FaceTime Finn, you know with him being friends with the love of your life." 

her head shoots up from her math notes, " No promises but please mention me. You never know you could mention my name once and then the next thing you know I would be Mrs. Oleff. " I lay on the bed with a load thump and fall into a fit of laughter. 

"You..." I laugh a little more, "With Wyatt?" She gives me a death glare that I do deserve.

When I'm finished I settle down next to her, "Okay okay let's see how this ends." I grab my phone from my side and press call on Frog Face. It rings three times then Finn's curls take over the screen. 

"Hey Raccoon! Why you calling so early? It's not 9 yet. " A huge smile forms onto that perfect freckled face of his.  Next to him were Wyatt and Jaeden looking at both me and Evelin, "Hello ladies that I do not know." Wyatt yells out. 

Evelin blushes and I could see it on her dark cheeks. I roll my eyes and give my attention to Finn, "I called because my new best friend Evelin wanted to talk to you guys. She's a very big fan, a huge fan of Wyatt!" She looks down and punches my leg.

She speaks really quick, "But I'm also a fan of the other boys!" 

They all laugh and Wyatt shifts to a position where he could get a good look at us, not exactly me but Evelin. He takes the phone from Finn and began a conversation with the girl who's beuatiful brown eyes where practically out of her eye sockets, "Evelin right?"

She nods and he goes on talking about his day and life while every once in awhile flashing a cute smile that left Evelin giggling like a school girl. 


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Sorry this sucks booty but I wanted to add a chapter it wasn't my best but screw it! Sew me! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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