Chapter 14

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It has now been months since I had last seen Finn and Jack, school has started and it is a living Hell. I walk around with my head low and try not to make eye contact with anybody. If I make eye contact with anyone they automatically ask about Finn and Jack and annoy the crap out of me. This one time I made eye contact with someone I didn't get interrogated. I smile at her and she smiles back, she sits at my table and sets her tray down in front of her.


I look to my side, "Hey me?" she laughs then nods her head yes.

"Oh um well hey... I'm y/n."

"I'm Evelin." she sits in silence eating her food and I look at her trying to figure out what kind of person she is, she has dark hair, almost black if you look closely. Her eyes were also a dark shade of brown, and when she smiles she has a gap between her two front teeth, which I was jealous of. She seems very chill and I couldn't help but want to be her friend.

I had to break the silence, "So what's your favorite thing to do?"

"I love to make edits for my fandoms that I am apart of... I know I know it's super weird but I love it!" I smile forms on her face as she thinks about her edits, they made her happy.

"Sounds cool! You should show me them some day. What Fandom are you part of?"

She shakes her head a little and blushes of embarrassment, "Stranger things and IT... You know the movie with the demonic clo-"

"Clown... Yea my best friend is acting in both Stranger Things and IT!" her smile widens.

With excitement she asks, "Wait who? Is it Gaten, Finn, Noah, or Cale-"

"Finn... Finn Wolfhard we've been best friends since Kinder." 

I smile a little and look down at my phone, "You like him don't you?" 


She laughs then looks down at my screensaver, "You like Finn, I could tell by the way you talked about him and also your screensaver." She points at my phone screen.

"Well I mean uhhhh yes... I guess." she took a bite of her school lunch then got up and threw away her trash. 

She pats my back and looks at her phone, "Well see you tomorrow y/n!" I wave goodbye and with that I was sitting at the table by myself. I finally made a friend and it isn't Finn!

Sorry this sucked booty.... but if you didn't know Evelin is my IRL best friend and she just had to be part of this story! <

if only hearts could talk ➻ finn wolfhardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora