Chapter 10

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I haven't had time to hangout with Finn since my birthday party. He's either with his other friends or I just have something to do at the time. Even though we live like 10 seconds away it's been hard to have time for each other. Being away from him to long makes me feel lonely. I grab my phone from under my sheets and text him.

Raccoon: Aye Frog Face you alive? 4:21pm

Frog Face: YEET 4:25pm

Raccoon: Finally you text back 4:26pm

Frog Face: Wdym 4:27pm

Raccoon: We haven't had time for each other since my birthday and I kinda miss my best friend sooooo... 4:28pm

Frog Face: Sorry it's been awhile 4:30pm

Raccoon: Well... :( 4:31pm

Frog Face: I'll be over in 5... promise 4:33pm

Raccoon: Okay you better be or else this friendship is over :) 4:35pm

Frog Face: You don't mean that baby... You love meeeeee and you can't resist this! 4:36pm

Raccoon: Nope 4:36pm

Raccoon: Hurry I haven't seen my best friend for like eternity and I'm dying of boredom :( 4:37pm

Frog Face: Here 4:38pm

I look out my window and there Finn was sitting in the tree waiting for me. I walk over to the window and open it. He climbs in and pulls me in for a hug, "Miss me?" 

I smile and hug him even tighter, "Very." he lets go and walks over to my bed.

"Now tell me what's new?"

"Nothing much just laying around binge watching Netflix... Oh! But I did hangout with Jack that one time you were with Millie and the boys." 

He smiles, "How did that go?" I shrug and look down at my hands.

"It was fun we got some Burger Ranch then he had to leave early so nothing really happened." we sat there for a moment not knowing what to talk about.

"Soooooo..." Finn says.

I laugh then copy him, "Soooooo..." 

"Look y/n I'm sorry we haven't been hanging out, I was supposed to be here and hangout with you but got caught into other things." 

I try to brush it off, " No worries my dude!" he rolls his eyes knowing I'm not okay.

"DUDE! I'm not joking." 

I look at him with wide eyes, "Why are you freaking out? Chill Bill." 

"I want you to know I'm serious about this friendship."

"Okay okay I get it."

"What do you wanna do... you get to choose." he changes the subject not wanting to get into a argument. I look around the room, there was literally nothing to do.

"Let's watch the Goonies!" we walk downstairs and get ready for our movie. Finn makes the popcorn while I make our fort.

"Do you have a blankets y/n?" I nod and we both get comfortable in the cool fort I had just made. I press play and the movie started. Finn kept throwing popcorn in my hair to get my attention.


He laughs like an insane person, "Nothing but can we pause the movie I'm about to fall asleep." I shake my head.



"No buts." I interrupt him.

He gets a blanket and throws it at me, "Fine but don't complain when this happens." he throws his arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Finn stop!"

"Sorry not sorry." I sat there and let it happen, 10 minutes later he had fallen asleep still cuddling me. I smile to myself and watched the rest of the movie. 

if only hearts could talk ➻ finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now