Chapter 9

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Frog Face: Sorry but I don't think we can hangout today :( 10:30am

Frog Face: Going to the mall with Millie and the rest of the Stranger gang 10:30am

Raccoon: Do what you gotta do ;) 10:33pm

I turn my phone off then walk downstairs getting myself a snack, "Why aren't you with your boyfriend?" my oldest brother looks up from the TV.

"First of all he's not my boyfriend! Second of all he is hanging out with his other friends." I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Ouch! that's gotta suck huh?" 

"It's not like he's replacing me." Or is he? I thought.

"Well why don't you go and hangout with that Jack kid?" my face lit up.

I shot up from the couch and went upstairs, "Thanks bro!" I shut my door and text Jack.

ISTHATY/N: Aye Jack wanna hangout today?10:50am


ISTHATY/N: Great! Let's go get some burgers, I'm starving lol 10:54am

NOTBENSAVAGE: Ight see you in 20 10:56am

ISTHATY/N: Okay byyyye :) 10:57am

NOTBENSAVAGE: See ya later bby ;) 10:58am

I look down at my phone then remember the conversation at the camping trip. Crap! I can't lead him on. After sitting on my bed for a minute I made myself look decent. I put a yellow crop top on and high waisted shorts. After putting my hair in a messy bun I put my converse on and walked downstairs. Before shutting the door I yelled out to my brothers "I'm leaving the house so you guys will have to find your own food!" they all 3 groan and with that I went and rode my bike off to Burger Ranch.

"Ayyyye y/n!" Jack had already beat me to it.

We do our handshake then went into the building, "Man it smells good!" my stomach growled.

"We would like to order 2 Ranch Burgers and 2 medium drinks." he looks at me then goes back to talking to the cashier.

He hands me a cup and we get our drinks, "You didn't have to pay for me you know." he shrugs.

"Don't worry about it..." We ate our burgers and talked for hours. He was in a weird mood today and I wanted to figure out why. After hanging around Burger Ranch for an hour or so we both went home. He said something about helping his mom with something... Was that his way of trying to get away from me? I kept thinking that as I walked home alone. My phone buzzed and I grab it from my pocket.

NOTBENSAVAGE: Sorry I had to leave early 1:12pm

ISTHATY/N: Nah it's all good:) needed a nap anyways! 1:14pm

NOTBENSAVAGE: Oh good lol 1:15pm

ISTHATY/N:Well hope to see you soon! 1:16pm

NOTBENSAVAGE: Yea I really hope so too! :)

When I got home I went up to my room and fell asleep cuddled up in my warm blanket.

if only hearts could talk ➻ finn wolfhardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora