Chapter 11

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"y/nnnnn..." Finn was hovering over me making me claustrophobic, I couldn't breathe when others are to close to me so I push him off. 

"What do you need?"

He looks at the TV then back at me, "You fell asleep while watching the movie." he lays down and looks through Instagram. His Phone began to ring and when he saw who was calling he freaked out, "Shit shit shit shit. My mom's calling!" 

"Then answer it dummy!" He swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Hello? Yes I know... I'm sorry... I'm at y/n house...I fell asleep during the movie... Yes nothing happened... Promise... Love you too... Bye." I give him a worried look.

"Are you in trouble?" I ask and  he shrugs.

"No, she was just wondering where I was... Just about had an Arianism." he gives me a small smile then looks down at his phone. 

I blushed a little and didn't want him to see so I walk over to the Kitchen and got to bowls and filled them with cereal, "Finn get over here I got your favorite cereal..." I hear a big thud and he was in the kitchen in second.

He sat down at the kitchen table waiting for me to give him his bowl of cereal, "Here you go." I hand him the bowl then sit across from him. We sat in silence as we both ate our food, I look across the table and admire his freckles, his brown caramel eyes, and his long curls that cover his whole head.

I smile to myself and he noticed, "What're you thinking about?" he waits for an answer making me a little uncomfortable.

"Well there's a lot on my mind right now."

"Am I one of those things?" he raises brow.

I look at my bowl of cereal, "Noooo..." 

"I'm taking that as a yes." He smiles then gets up from the chair and puts his bowl in the sink.

I do the same and right when I was about to go to the living room he stops me, "Please don't think that you can't talk to me just because you have feelings for me... It won't change anything... Promise." 


After watching a few shows on Netflix Finn goes home and packs for LA. In 2 days my best friend will be gone and I will be alone for the school year. I really wish I had more time with him, It sounds selfish but it's the truth. I lay on the couch and think of something I should buy him... It's the least I can do.  

Sorry this is a terrible chapter and a little short but I have a lot of crap right now and on top of that my dog thought it was a good idea to piss on the computer at home soooo...

if only hearts could talk ➻ finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now