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The plane finally lands in California. I wake up Jack knowing he did not want to get up. We find our bags and wait near the entrance for Jonah who is going to drive us to their house.

"Do you think they will like me?" I ask. "Of course. They all have been texting me they cannot wait to meet you, especially Zach...he kept saying he is gonna make you his girlfriend" We laugh.

After a few minutes, Jack spots Jonah, so we take our stuff and walk towards him. As we get closer, I realize he is taller than I imagined. "Hey I'm Jonah. Great to finally meet you" He grows a smile that is very attractive. We shake hands as I politely say hi.

As Jonah drives us to their house...the silence makes me very annoyed. "So Charlotte what kind of movies do you like?" Jonah asks breaking thr silence. "All kinds I guess...although the Harry Potter series is the best" I say.

Jonah stops at a red light and turns to me with his hand out. "Hi I'm a Gryffindor nice to meet ya" I laugh. "Hufflepuff" I say shaking his hand.

When Jonah parks the car, I take a look at their house. All I can think to myself is it's beautiful. We all take our bags and walk inside when Jack unlocks the door. Honestly, it was just as amazing inside then the outside.

I follow Jack as we pull our stuff into his and Daniel's room which is SUPER clean. "Wow...you are such a clean freak" I say chuckling. "Well would you rather live in a messy room or clean room?" He asks. "Messy because I can't handle clean" I joke. "Daniel agreed to give you his bed and sleep on an air mattress" Jack explains. I nod and leave my suitcase by Daniel's bed.

When we walk in the living room, I see Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach who all greet Jonah with a bro hug. As Jack joins them, I follow and stand next to Jonah. "Guys this is Charlotte" Jack says. "Hey" Daniel, Corbyn, and Zach say in unison.

It's been a few hours since I met everyone. So far, Jonah and I have been talking non stop. We talked about Harry Potter, movies, more Harry Potter...it was great. Every once in a while, I look at Jack who is playing video games with Corbyn
...he seems glad I'm getting along with Jonah.

About another hour talking with Jonah, pizza that we ordered arrives. In under 10 minutes, the 2 boxes of pizza we ordered is gone...turns out six people can eat pizza fast.

"So...who wants to watch a movie?" Zach says as everyone sits on a couch. We all agreed. "Ok, what movie?" Jack asks. "Harry Potter!" Jonah and I say at the same time. "Ugh no. How about...Jumanji?" Jack suggests. We all agree and start to make popcorn and get comfortable.

"Wait! Before we start the movie, I promised my cousin Abby that we could facetime her" I say remembering Abby. Everyone gets around me as I call Abby. Luckily she is still up and answers. It is dark, but she turns on a light before she realizes Why Don't We is with me.

She gasps. "OMG OMG OMG" she screams. We all laugh. "Hey Abby" we all somehow say in unison. "Hii!" She says happily. "Whatya doing?" I ask. "Watching a Harry Potter Marathon" "Hey you never said Abby liked Harry Potter!" Jonah jokes around as he get in front of the camera. "I'm a Gryfinndor like you Jonah!" Abby states. "Awesome!" Jonah smiles.

Abby looks up from the screen. "I've gotta go...can we talk another time?" "Of course" Zach says. We all say bye and hang up, then continue to set up for a movie as we talk about how cute Abby is.

As everyone watches the movie, Jonah and I whisper to each other making comments. "How come Dwayne Johnson is literally in every movie...like come on! Why can't it be..." "Hagrid!" I loudly whisper cutting Jonah off. He chuckles. "Definitely. Just imagine him in Baywatch...wearing swim shorts and screaming HARRY WHERE ARE YOU WE NEED TO GO TO HOGGYWARTS" I grab a pillow and laugh very hard. I turn to see Jonah laughing as well but not disturbing anyone.

When the movie ends, Corbyn, Zach, and Daniel are asleep. I notice Zach is laying on Jack's lap...looking very comfortable. I giggle as Jack takes a selfie and posts it on snapchat. Jonah grabs the remote and puts on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Charlotte" Jack whispers to me. I turn to see Zach still laying on his lap. "Can you...help" I get up as Jonah starts recording. I grab Zach's arms and pull him off of Jack. Zach then snorts which makes me laugh but not loud. As Jack moves off the couch, I let go of Zach and he is luckily still asleep.

I sit in between Jack and Jonah who are watching the movie. Jonah seems to be enjoying it, while Jack watches but doesn't look amused. I close my eyes as I hear Harry talking to Ron on the train. A few minutes later...I was asleep.

(A/N - Sorry for the crappy part. The next one should be better 👍 Like and Share!) *Sorry for any incorrect spelling*

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